Articles > High Priest and His Sons


High Priest And His Sons

Written by: Bishop G.T. Haywood
Published January 1923 - Christian Outlook

The High Priest of the Old Testament was chosen of God. No man took that office unto himself. But when God desired to establish a typical priesthood it was to be patterned after the heavenly priesthood (Heb. 8:4-5). And in His choice for that divine office He chose Aaron and his sons and appointed it to them for “a perpetual hereditary (Ex. 28:1, 2, 3, 40-43; 29:9, 29, 30).

No one was admitted into the priesthood but the sons or descendants of Aaron. The High Priest was always the father of those who entered into the priesthood and gained admittance into the sanctuary. (See Eli’s family degraded from office. I Sam. 2:27-36.)

Now that Christ has become the High Priest, the priesthood also has been changed. For he is a “priest forever (everlasting) after the order of Melchisedec.” The priesthood no longer remains in the house of Aaron, but has been bestowed upon the house of God, whose house are we - the heavenly family. We are the “royal priesthood” (I Pet. 2:9) that minister in the true tabernacle, and are made unto our God kings and priests (Rev. 5:8).

The fact that we are the “royal priesthood” and Christ is the High Priest, proves conclusively that Christ Jesus is our father. For the High Priest was always the father of those who partook of the priesthood. Moreover, Christ is a Priest forever (everlasting), hence He is our “Everlasting Father,” as so saith Isaiah the prophet (Isa. 9:6).

There is but “one God and Father of all, who is above all” (Eph.4:6), and speaking of Christ, John bore witness that He was the one who was “above all,” showing clearly that He who was “from above (and) is above all” is the “one God and Father of all, who is above all, and thru all, and in you all” (John 3:31).

Our High Priest and father has entered into that four square city alone, while we, His sons minister in His sanctuary, the spirit-filled body of Christ. He entered by the door into the sanctuary at the River Jordan, when He was baptized in water and spirit. After the Resurrection He went into the holy of Holies, or heaven itself. On the day of Pentecost He came out in the person of the Holy Spirit and gave us “power to become the sons of God” that we might minister in the true sanctuary (Acts 1:8; John1:12).

It was on the Isle of Patmos that John saw Christ clothed in His Priestly costume. It was there that Christ declared himself to be the Alpha and omega, the First and the last (Comp. Isa. 44:6, with Rev. 1:8, 11, 17, 18). Therefore He could easily say: “He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his GOD, and he shall be MY son,” because the High Priest was the father of all that partook of the priesthood (Rev. 21:7).

G.T. Haywood


Bishop G.T. Haywood