Calvin Albert
United Pentecostal Church International
1913 ~ 1990
Calvin Albert was born January 15, 1913, at Reber Place in St. Louis, Missouri, to John David and Margaret Ellen Post Albert. There were four other children in the family: Ethel, Lela, Ruth and Roy. His parents were in the Christian Church.
Albert was introduced to Pentecost by his Aunt Sarah when he was about eight years old. Aunt Sarah took his mother to a Pentecostal mission on Cardinal Street. It was that night that Mother Albert received the Holy Ghost with a glorious experience, speaking in other tongues. Later they attended the Pentecostal Church at 1414 North Grand Avenue, where they met Brother B.H. Hite. Brother Albert considered this man a great influence in his life. It was there on Grand Avenue in February 1921 that Brother Albert was baptized in Jesus' Name. He received the Holy Ghost in 1925. He grew up in this church.
The congregation witnessed great outpourings of God's Spirit. Hundreds came to God. During this time Brother Hite felt led to build a new church. They moved into the new building at 3105 Cass Avenue about 1926. Brother Albert served in various capacities in the local church. He also served as sectional youth director and was the one who started the Labor Day youth rallies. As a youth he gave sermonettes in the local church and in churches in the surrounding area.
Calvin married on June 30, 1935. There were two children born to this union. Brother and Sister Albert pastored a church in Roadhouse, Illinois, in about 1943 for a short time. They moved to Hannibal in July 1945, where Calvin pastored on 11th and Broadway, just shy of 40 years. Through the years Brother Albert was active in district work. When Brother Hite passed away, he served as District Secretary to Brother Harry Branding (about 1948 to 1952). He became presbyter in 1945.
Brother Albert had the privilege of preaching on some of the mission fields: London, England; Bangkok, Thailand; Kyoto, Japan; Semarang, Java; Manila, Phi;ippianes; Honolula, Hawaii; San Juan, Puerto Rico; Port-au-Prince, Haiti; and Mexico City, Mexico. He preached revivals and speaking engagements in several cities of the United States. He made one trip around the world and two trips to Jerusalem. He stated that he was looking for that New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven.
On September 18, 1990, Bro. Albert went home to be with the Lord.