Rev. Luis Antonio Alvear
Apostolic Churches of Brazil
1901 ~ 1979
Luis A. Alvear was born August 5, 1901, in the city of Los Andres, Chile. On May 18, 1928 he and Maria Susana Maturana were married. Not long after their marriage, they were both converted from Catholicism and received the baptism of the Holy Ghost during the outpouring of the Spirit in the early past of the 20th Century. Thirty seven of their fifty years of married life were spent preaching the gospel in Chile, and later in Brazil.
After their conversion to Pentecost, they became active members of the Methodist Pentecostal Church of Chile, and some years later, Brother Alvear was ordained to the ministry by the same organization. He was then assigned to evangelize and pioneer churches in the Southern part of Chile, living entirely by faith. His ministry in this area involved tremendous hardships and sacrafices while serving his master. Brother Alvear thought it nothing to walk whole days at a time in order to reach towns and villages to preach the gospel. Oftentimes he encountered great opposition and persecution along the way.
Many times he would arrive at his destination soaking wet from the incessant rains in that part of the country, and without getting completely dried out, he would go on to preach in the next place. Poverty and hunger were quite familiar to the Alvear family as their children came along.
On October 31, 1979 at the age of 78, Brother Luis A. Alvear passed on to his eternal home from Curitaba, Parana in the country of Brazil.