Dr. Marvin M. Arnold
Biblical Apostolic Organization
Dr. Arnold was born on March 24, 1921, in Neodesha, Kansas. He was saved as per Acts 2:38 in May, 1938, at Buchanan, Michigan, and he resided in Holland, Michigan. He entered formal theological training, in time obtaining his Bachelor and Master degrees. He received his Doctor of Divinity degree from the Pioneer College, Beebe, Arkansas. The Parkerburg Bible College, Parkerburg, West Virginia presented him with a Dctor of Theology degree.
Dr. Arnold was a recognized historian. Religious history was his main field of expertise. Eighty-eight Oneness Apostolic Christian organizations accepted him as their historian. He was the founder and Chairman of the Biblical Apostolic Organization.
Dr. Arnold spent the last thirty-three years of his life relentlessly researching and compiling Oneness Apostolic history. His literary works also include, Apostolic History Outline, The Origin and Spread of Man, Pentecost Before Azusa, The Bible, Trinity and Matthew 28:19, Nicaea and The Nicene Council of AD 325. He incessantly taught that the Upper Room Church of Saint Matthew 16:18 and Acts 2:1-38, had eternal longevity. He emphasized that the Church of Pentecost has been alive, extant, doctrinally intact throughout each day unto this moment. It never died; it never ceased to function; it never digressed to become something else. It's Apostolic doctrinal structure never fell; it needed no so-called restoration. It did not suffer a torturous step-by-step restoration by inept European gentile reformers. Also, he documented that between ca. 1670 and 1901-1909, in America, there were many Jesus' name people. He affirmed that Oneness Apostolic doctrine did not evolve from out of Topeka or Azusa teachings, nor from 1916 phenomena. Instead, the doctrine of Acts 2:38 has always been available to those who wanted it. Always, someone, somewhere, preached this biblical doctrine.
Dr. Arnold has traveled in Hawaii, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China. In Taiwan at a conference he met with the leading officials of the True Jesus Church of China. His travels also included England, Canada, Newfoundland, the Azores, Africa, and many nations of Europe. He also traveled in Iraq, and has seen the ruins of Babylon. He visited the archaeological ruins of the Tower of Babel in the Shinarian Plains. He researched the bagdad Museum, the British Museum, and the University Museum of Philadelphia. He traveled in Israel, and visited Qumran. He saw Jordan and Syria. He traveled Greece and saw Mars Hill and Corinth.
With an Iraqi government guide Dr. Arnold traveled to the city-state ruins of Uruk (Warka) near the Euphrates River. He investigated the preflood citystate ruins of Lagash, Erida, and Ur. He has researched in many major libraries in the United States, and has had researchers work for him in great European libraries at Cologne, Paris, Oxford, Upsala, Berli, and othersw for information concerning ancient religious history.
In Turkey he researched at Nicaea, where the Nicene Council of AD 325 was held. He visited the interesting sites of Ephesus, Pergamos, Thyatira, Laodicea, and Aphrodisias. He traveled along the Kizilirmak, Ceyhan, and Seyhan Rivers. He visited the Ancient Hittite capitol, Kayseri. He saw the unique Goreme Valley, almost a fairy-tale land of exotic pyramids of stone. Also, located there are 360 solid stone cave churches and complete underground cities.
Dr. Arnold went through the afore mentioned efforts to obtain detailed information pertaining to Apostolic history that transpired during past centuries. His literary works have greatly impacted the Oneness movement, and his legacy has become greatly realized among Jesus' name people world-wide. After an exceptional ministry, Dr. Marvin M. Arnold went home to be with the Lord on November 24, 2001.