Bishop Harry Barnett
Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
1888 ~ 1952
Harry Barnett, the son of William and Fanny Barnett was born in Indianapolis, Indiana on January 15, 1888. Barnett has the distinction of being the only Jew that served as a Bishop in the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World.
He was educated in the Indianapolis school system. He and Vertoria Fingerly also of Indianapolis were married on September 6, 1912. He was baptized in Jesus' name and filled with the Holy Ghost in the month of June, 1918 under the ministry of Bishop G.T. Haywood. After doing the work of an evangelist for three years, he was sent to pastor the Full Gospel Assembly in Niles, Michigan.
He labored tirelessly there 22 years until his death. In August of 1932, Barnett was elevated to the board of Bishops of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World. Later he was elected chairman of the Northern District Council (Michigan) and served faithfully as long as his health permitted. He and Vertoria never had children of their own but raised Donna May Williams in their home from infancy.
Bishop Barnett was greatly loved for his charm, humorous disposition, and outgoing nature. Few men could equal his loyalty and faithfulness to the kingdom of God. Weeks before his death, he was confined to his bed but would insist on being dressed in shirt and tie and being groomed to "The Nines".
He always felt his role as a pastor dictated that he look like one even when he was too sick to do anything but sleep. He died on July 9th 1952.