Bishop Ralph Bass
Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
1893 ~ 1972
Bishop Ralph Bass was born October 6, 1893 in West Jefferson, Ohio. In 1913, Bishop Bass was married to Elmira Mack , and from that union six children were born. From the time that he voiced his opinion with the little group that met at the Center St. Y.M.C.A. in Springfield, Ohio, he served faithfully in many capacities. he served as pastor of El Bethel Temple, Springfield, for sixteen years. He was made a District Elder in 1932 and held this office for thirty years. Served as vice-chairman to the council and was appointed to serve on the advisory board.
He accepted the pastorate of Bethesda Temple in Dayton, Ohio in June 1936. In 1955, he was elevated to the office of Chairman at the General Convention in New York. After serving faithfully for eleven years, in 1966 he asked to be relieved and be permitted to watch another serve.
His petition was granted two years later, in July of 1968 he laid down the gavel. In 1959 he was elevated to the office of Bishop and a year later was assigned to the State of Arkansas.
In July of 1970, after Bishop Karl F. Smith resigned the office of diocesan (due to failing health) and was appointed to emeritus status, Presiding Bishop Ross P. Paddock appointed Bishop Bass to serve until the General Convention. He was later elevated to the office of diocesan and served faithfully and untiringly until he was beset with illness. With what strength he had, he continued to fulfill his duties along with preaching, teaching and admonishing in the service of the Lord. Always reminding the saints that the coming of the Lord is nigh.
His service touched the lives of many, and in every area of the council. With sons and daughters (in the Lord) serving likewise, having been guided by the loving hand of Bishop Bass. God had work for him to do and God left him here until his work was finished. He left beautiful footprints on the sands of time. He could have no greater joy than to know that the Ohio District Council was operating in the true light that he had taught by precept and example.
Bishop Bass preached his last sermon on Sunday afternoon of March 5th. He was not very strong in body but mighty in the spirit. He spoke of what was, what is, and what is to come in his own life, and he let it be known that he was ready to meet the Lord. He spoke of the many other occasions in the last year before his passing. On June 24, 1972 Bishop Ralph Bass departed this life. Another Soldier went home to be with the Lord. Audio Recordings of Bishop Bass are available in our Audio Library.