Rev. Larry L. Booker
Worldwide Pentecostal Fellowship
1952 ~ Present
Reverend Larry Booker was born November 17, 1952 in Pueblo, Colorado. He lived a hippy life-style before his conversion. On April 6, 1972 he received the baptism of the Holy Ghost at Truth Tabernacle in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. His pastor was Ray Moss. Brother Booker was called to the ministry that same year. He remained in his home church for four and one half years.
Brother Booker evangelized from November 1976 until July 1977. On July 1, 1977 he became pastor in Miami, Oklahoma., and remained there until July 1, 1981. He then traveled to California, and evangelized from November 1981 until May 1984. On May 1, 1984 he then became pastor of the Gospel Lighthouse in Arroyo Grande, California, and remained there in November 3, 1996.
Today Brother Booker is a successful Author, having written several books pertaining to the Apostolic life-style. He pastors the Inland Lighthouse Apostolic Church in Rialto, California, and continues to be mightly used of God all across North America. He also preaches camp-meetings, conferences, and anniversary services. In January, 2008, Brother Booker was instrumental in he formation of a new, Oneness organization called, "The Worldwide Pentecostal Fellowship". The organizaton has headquarters in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Audio and Video Recordings of Brother Larry Booker are available in the audio/video library.