Rev. Aubrey William (Bill) Buie Jr.
Apostolic Ministers Fellowship
1942 ~ Present
Reverend Bill Buie was born on June 10, 1942 in Alexandria, Louisiana. The eldest of three sons born to Aubrey and Gloria Buie. He was raised in a preacher's home, and is himself a fourth generation preacher. In the winter of 1947, at the age of five, Bill was baptized in Jesus' name. At the age of seven he received the baptism of the Holy Ghost in a revival conducted by Joseph Urshan, in Kilgore, Texas where his father, A.W. Buie Sr. was pastoring.
At the age of eleven, Brother Buie preached his first sermon, entitled, "The Five Wise and The Five Foolish Virgins" As an evangelist he held over two-hundred revivals. Elder Buie has a very rich "Apostolic Heritage" that reaches all the way back to the great Oneness Pentecostal Movement that developed around 1913. His great-grandfather Joseph Morgan was a circuit riding 'Oneness Preacher' from Pineville, Louisiana. His grandfather, A.T. Morgan, served as the second General Superintendant of the United Pentecostal Church International. Brother Buie's father, A.W. Buie Sr., is an outstanding preacher who has built many churches, and pastored in several locations throughout North America.
During his formative years of ministry, Elder Buie spent some very valuable time at "Christ Temple" in South Bend, Indiana. There He served as the only assistant pastor that the late Elder Carl Ballestero ever had. Brother Buie's first pastorate was in 1963, at Dinuba, California. His second pastorate was in 1971, at New Iberia, Louisiana. His third pastorate was in Kingsport, Tennessee, which lasted for six-years. His fourth pastorate lasted over 20 years at Landmark Apostolic Church in Hollywood, Florida.
As a member of the Apostolic Minister's Fellowship, Elder Buie served on the General Board of Elders, and also on the Missionary Board. For several years He was a contributing editor for the Apostolic Standard, the official organ of the AMF. He was a popular speaker who was frequently called upon to preach conferences, anniversaries, and camp-meetings while affiliated with the AMF. Afterward, he continued traveling throughout the country, preaching and teaching due to the high demand of his ministry.
Elder Buie is a preacher's preacher! He possesses a dynamic command of words, and is truly at home in the Word of God. His extended education includes a Master's Degree and Doctor of Divinity. His education, coupled with the anointing of the Holy Ghost has made Elder Buie a superlative among his contemporaries. Today he is thought of as one of the greatest preacher's to ever live in the 20th Century. Audio and Video Recordings of Elder Bill Buie are available in the audio/video library.