Rev. Winfred I. Black
United Pentecostal Church International
Some men live a long happy life on earth and hardy make a ripple on life's sea; However, Reverend Winfred Black in his short life's span of fifty-four years made waves that will splash against the shores of time and be felt by men and women for many years. He was a man who let Christ show through him daily. He loved people and people sensed that laove, for it was not just demonstrated from the pulpit, but was part of his everyday life. In 1926, Brother and Sister Silas Black and their son (Winfred) began attending the mission in St. Louis, Missouri, where Brother Harry Branding was pastor. Even though Winfred was a young boy, Brother Branding was a great influence on his life. It was during these years that the Lord spoke to Brother Branding telling himn that Winfred Black was to help him in the future. After this Brother Branding started calling Winfred "My son in the gospel."
In 1944, Winfred married Aleen Henderson. In that same year he felt his call into the ministry. A year later, he preached his first sermon at a Labor Day Rally in Jackson, Missouri. His sermon was entitled, "Forget Not The Ancient Landmarks." (under Construction) Audio Recordings of Reverend Winfred I. Black are available in our Audio Library.