Rev. Murray Eugene Burr
Apostolic Ministers Fellowship
1919 ~ 2005
Reverend Murray Burr was born on March 16, 1919 in a small house in Merryville, Louisiana. His parents were Buch amd Mamie Burr. His father was a commercial fisherman. At the age of (21) Brother Burr received the holy Ghost in Jasper, Texas under the ministry of Brother Arthur Sassman. One year later he was ordained into the ministry and the church he pastored was in TexasCity, Texas. It was during this time that he met and proposed to hattie Ellen Welsh. They were married on December 24, 1946 and began pastoring the church in Batson, Texas.
Later, the Burr's moved to Okemah, Oklahoma where their daughter (and only child) Janet was born in 1948. When Janet was three months old they moved back to batson, and built a new church and parsonage.They remained their until 1952, when they moved to Port Arthur, Texas and began pastoring Faith Tabernacle. The church was located at 800 Thomas Boulevard with about 200 members. Many souls came into the kindom of God in that building. A few years later, they relocated the church to 1909 Stadium Road, where the congregation met until 1984. At that time they built a large new sanctuary on highway 69.
Through the years, God has greatly used Brother Burr. Through his anointed literary works, Brother Burr has greatly influenced the course of holiness within the Pentecostal ranks. He was the first editor of the Apostolic Standard, the official organ of the Apostolic Ministers Fellowship which was formed in 1968. Brother Burr was instrumental in the forming of the AMF, and served one term as Chairman in it's early years.
Brother Burr will not only be remembered in history as a warrior, pastor, author, fellow comrade, poet, church planter, and friend, but he will always be thought of as someone who fought for the sovergnty of the local church. After a short illness, Brother Murray E. Burr went home to be with the Lord on October 8, 2005. Audio Recordings of Elder Murray Burr are available in our Audio Library.