"Mother" Mary Leanore O. Barnes
Apostolic Faith Movement
1854 ~ 1939
An early Pentecostal evangelist in the Midwest. Although biographical data on her are sketchy, she apparently gained initial notoriety in a revival meeting she helped conduct in Thayer, Missouri, in 1909. Despite hoodlums threatening to kill the evangelists, a six-week meeting netted more than a hundred converts and at least fifty baptized in the Spirit.
Mother Barnes was associated with the Pentecostal social worker "Mother" Mary Moise in St. Louis, beginning in about 1909. She became a charter member of the Assemblies of God in 1914, but later went into the Oneness movement. She taught at the Oneness Bible school in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, and was associated with a St. Louis church for many years.
"Mother" Barnes passed away in 1939.