Bishop John Caldwell
Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
Deceased ~ 1972
Bishop John Caldwell was born in Columbia, Missouri. He was one of thirteen children born to Mary and Lafayette Caldwell. Orphaned at an early age, he attended school in Columbia and later drifted out on his own, taking himself a wife while quite young. In 1918, through the ministry of Elder Oscar Meyers, he received the Holy Ghost in Piqua, Ohio. There, God called him to the ministry and he moved to Indianapolis, Indiana where he studied under the late Bishop G.T. Haywood.
Later, from his Chicago job as a foundry worker, John was directed by God to go to San Diego. Not even cognizant such a place existed, he searched a map and found the city located on California's southern border. This was in 1922. Two years had passed befor he finally reached his new field of labor, and as he journeyed there, many inquired whether God really directed him because the cross-country trip took him so very long. He was sure about it, though, and through the years, his work in San Diego spoke clearly that God had indeed directed him.
On the last day of the year 1924, Bishop Caldwell and his wife, Margaret, (who lived at that time) arrived in San Diego. Without any saints, they held street meetings and prayed that God would provide them a place of worship. Through natural labor they finally opened a little mission where people of several nationalities began to come and be saved. The number of followers grew and they began to seek a place of their own for worship. God provided, and a place on the corner of Hensley and "L" streets was secured.
As the work in San Diego prospered, it was possible for Pastor Caldwell to visit the national conventions of the P.A.W. After he was appointed District Elder of Southern California, he labored helping to build up churches in neighborig locations of California and Arizona. In 1937 when the California State Council was formed and he was elected chairman, there were few churches in this section of the country. In 1952 he was elevated to the bishopric and presided over the 16th Episcopal District (Nevada/California). Only two churches represented the Apostolic doctrine when Bishop Caldwell first went west.
In 1934, after years of faithful labor, Sister Margaret Caldwell was called to be with the Lord. Two years later, Bishop Caldwell married Sister Willie Stewart. After her demise, Bishop Caldwell married Sister Vanilla Caldwell. Bishop Caldwell lived to be over 100 years of age. He went home to be with the Lord in 1972.