Rev. Franklin Emerson Curts
United Pentecostal Church International
1889 ~ 1969
F.E. Curts was born September 16, 1889 to Joseph and Isabelle Curts. He was the youngest of six children with one older brother and four older sisters, and first attended public school in Mincie, Indiana.
On May 10, 1913, Franklin E. Curts and Helen Waring, also from Muncie, were united in marriage. They had two daughters: Evelyn Curts Tyson and Frances Curts Hanks. Soon, the young couple began a life of service to those around them.
In the year 1917, Herman Basore, a member of Calvary Tabernacle, Indianapolis, Indiana, witnessed to Frank about the plan of salvation as they rode a streetcar. That testimony captured Frank and Helen's attention. While attending church at Oak Hill Tabernacle, Indianapolis, he received the Holy Ghost as well as his anointed call to preach and teach. Three years later, in 1920, he began preaching in Greensburg, Indiana, the home of his first pastorate from 1920 to 1925. Curts worked as metal polisher and employee in a bakery to support his family.
Pastor Curts grew in knowledge of the scriptures and developed a teaching ministry that was much in demand. He soon became skilled in other areas of leadership as well. In 1925, the Curts family moved to Cincinnait, Ohio. Ministers and teachers alike were drawn by his wit and biblical knowledge. As a member of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, he represented that organization in a 1931 unity conference held in Columbus, Ohio.
He served on an alternating basis as chairman of the Tri-State Council, one of the earliest Apostolic alliances in Ohio. On June 1, 1955, the Ohio District elected Curts to serve as district superintendent, which office he filled for fourteen years. Curts' ministry was service-oriented, and he developed his pastoral ministry by teaching and preaching. He served the fellowship of ministers as a Bible teacher and mentor. For forty-eight years he shared the message that he once received while riding a streetcar in the city of Indianapolis.
On May 13, 1969, F.E. Curts went to be with the Lord. Audio Recordings of Bro. Curts are available in our Audio Library.