Elder George Cooke
Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
1885 ~ 1974
Elder George Cooke was born in Seaford, Delaware, March 16th, 1885. moved to Philadelphia as a very young man. He was saved in his early twenties, baptized in Jesus' name and filled with the Holy Ghost, speaking in new tongues as the Spirit of God gave utterance.
Elder Cooke was called to the ministry in the year 1914; he became Pastor of the Pentecostal Assembly Church, 1720 South St; after the late Elder Henry Prentiss took to the Evangelistic field.
He became the first treasurer for the Eastern District Council when it was first organized; Elder Cooke was a gifted and anointed Bible teacher, his favorite subjects was Law and Grace.
Elder Cooke laboured in the vineyard for the Lord for more than fifty years, many souls have been saved through Elder Cooke's ministry. Many of the PAW ministers were either taught by or influenced by his life and work as an inspired servant of the Lord. During his last few hours he was heard to say, "I am so tired Lord, take me home," Amen, Amen, Amen.
Due to his long illness, Elder Cooke gave up pastoring and became a member of Zion Apostolic Church under the pastorate of District Elder Stephen Bright.
After a long and useful life as a servant for the Lord, God called him home. He departed this life, June 23rd, 1974.