Elder John T. Chandler
Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
1918 ~ 2000
Elder John T. Chandler was born June 25, 1918 in Trimble County, Kentucky. He attended school in Trimble County School systems where during his high school years be became an outstanding basketball player with a bright future in the sport of basketball. In the year of 1936, God began to deal with him and the destiny that the Lord had purposed in him.
It was in this same year of 1936, that he was born again and felt the power of God in his life. He was baptized in Jesus' Name August 6, and received the gift of the Holy Ghost on August 9. He was saved under the teaching and ministry of the late Bishop S.R. Burrow. Three days after receivinf the Holy Ghost God called him into the ministry. called out of the basketball court into Gos's soul winning arena at the very early age of eighteen years.
After the passing of the late Bishop Borrow he was installed as pastor of the Bedford Pentecostal Church on July 10, 1952 officiated by District Elder Aldridge and Bishop Shulzt.
Married on September 14, 1952 to Juanita K. McCane together they raised three sons and one daughter. He became District Elder of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World; Elenevth District First Apostolic Council of JKentucky and Tennessee area number three and received status of District Elder Emeritus July 16, 1997.
August 10, 1980 the ground was broken to build a new church to worship God and serve the community of Bedford. October 9, 1988 Bishop M.E. Golder officiated this building's mortgage burning service. The building and land were completely paid for in less than seven years! District Elder Chandler remained in service as Pastor for forty-seven years at which time he retired from the pastorate on April 4, 2000.
We have to acknowledge and give "honor to whom honor is due" for District Elder Chandler exemplified godliness both before the church and the public. He truly was sanctified to the Lord Jesus Christ, even his enemies respected him as the man of God.
In 2000, Elder Chandler finished his earthly course. He fought good fight and kept the faith!