Bishop Herbert John Davis
Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
1892 ~ 1959
Bishop Herbert Davis was born and reared in Leavenworth, Kansas. He was the son of the late John and Belle Davis. His mother was the founder of the church in Leavenworth, which later he pastored.
Bishop Davis was a minister of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World for over forty years. He was appointed District Elder under the administration of the late Bishop G.T. Haywood, serving faithfully until he was elevated to the Bishopric in 1954 at Baltimore, Maryland.
Although blind, Bishop Davis devoted his life to advancing the work of God. It can be truthfully said that many hundreds were saved through his ministry.
Bishop Davis was a noted Evangelist, Church builder, Pastor and Business Administrator. He worked energetically to establish churches throughout the Northwestern District. He pastored churches in Leavenworth and Lawrence, Kansas; Plattsburg and Excellsor, Missouri. He was instrumental in helping others to begin works in Colorado, Nebraska, and Montana.
As a local figure, Bishop Davis was highly respectede by those of other denominations with whom he came in contact. In 1958 Bishop Davis was elected as President of the Plattsburg, Mo. Ministerial Alliance. He was the only African American to have served on the interracial alliance in that or any other capacity.
As Bishop Davis traveled throughout his district taking care of his many duties, his faithful wife was ever at his side. She drove through the heat and cold, in sickness and health, working in the church, taking care of the home, faithfully doing all the thousands of things only a God-given wife can do.
Prior to his death, Bishop Davis had often voiced a desire that souls would be saved, even at his funeral if need be. This wish was granted. The same afternoon following the funeral service a young man became repentant and wished to be baptized. Afterward he received the Holy Ghost.
Bishop Davis died of a heart attack February 6, 1959 at San Antonio, Texas. He had gone there to attend the mid-winter session of the National Youth Conference of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World. The funeral service was conducted by Bishop Raymond Robinson. Bishop Austin Layne delivered the eulogy.