Rev. Lee O. Davis
United Pentecostal Church International
1914 ~ 1995
Reverend Lee Davis was born born on October 22, 1914 in Soper, Oklahoma. Along with his four brothers, he committed himself to the will of God, and became a dynamic Pentecostal minister. In 1942, Lee graduated from Apostolic Bible College in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
While attending a prayer and Bible conference in Tulsa, he met and fell in love with a beautiful young lady who shared his zeal for the work of the Lord. On July 17, 1942, Lee and Alta Sullivan of Henrietta, Oklahoma were married. From that day, blossomed a love they enjoyed for (52) years.
Brother Davis lived for his family and the church. He felt the only true success a man has is the legacy he leaves his children. Their success and spiritual well-being were paramount to him. The world has been touched by the ministry pf Lee Davis. Missionary tours took him around the world with his most recent journey to Moscow, Russia. He pastored churches in Freona and Albany, Texas; Livingston, California; North Little Rock, Arkansas; and his beloved flock in Riverside, California for (44) years.
Many men in Texas, Arizona, California, and other places as well, are pastoring Pentecostal churches or evangelizing, because of a love for the truth that he taught them. Brother Davis passed away in February of 1995. His memorial service was attended by a great host of fellow ministers and friends.