Rev. John A. Eckstadt
United Pentecostal Church International
1934 ~ 1978
Rev. John Eckstadt was born on November 10, 1934 in Brooklyn, New York. He received the Holy Ghost at the early age of 18 while attending an Assembly of God Church in Brooklyn. He was an alumni of Zion Bible College, Providence, Rhode Island. He served as pastor at the Assembly of God Church in Haverhill, Massachusetts. He began his teaching ministry at the Faith School of Theology in Old Orchard, Maine. He later pastored a church in Naugatuck, Connecticut, and opened a new church in Waterbury, Connecticut.
In October of 1963, he received the revelation of Jesus' name. He became the pastor at Bristol, Connecticut. Following this, he taught at the Pentecostal Bible Institute, Tupelo, Mississippi. Later he pastored the First United Pentecostal Church, Richmond, Virginia. He taught at the Jackson College of Ministries, Jackson, Mississippi; and later at the Wide World of Ministries school in Fort Worth, Texas. His latest pastorate was at the High Point Pentecostal Church, Cincinnati, Ohio.
He was in demand as a camp meeting speaker and a Bible teacher. He traveled extensively in evangelistic work. Thousands of people were baptized in Jesus' Name and received the Holy Ghost as a result of his dynamic ministry.
After an illustrious ministry, Brother John Eckstadt was called home from this earthly labor on March 13, 1978. He is still greatly missed by his many friends and relatives. Audio recordings of Brother John Eckstadt are available in the audio library of the Apostolic Archives International.