Bishop William A. Ellis, D.D.
Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
Bishop William A. Ellis is the youngest of 13 children born to the late Elder Charles and Lucille Ellis. His father was the founding pastor of the Indiana Avenue Pentecostal Church of God which is affectionately known as "35th Street Church" located at 3520 S. Indiana Ave. in Chicago, Illinois where he served as pastor until the Lord called him home in 1953.
Bishop Ellis experienced the new birth and received his Pentecostal experience on January 8, 1959 at the age of 17 years. His spiritual convictions and the tutelage he received under the loving eyes of his father and mentor have left an indelible impression in his life. After his father death, he cherished the spiritual guidance of his beloved brother, Bishop David Ellis, the late pastor of Greater Grace Temple in Detroit, Michigan who was also his confidant and best friend.
He began "preaching" at the age of 8 years wherever he could find an audience and box to stand on. In 1962, at the tender age of 20 he officially accepted the call to the ministry and received his first ministerial license from the Illinois District Council where the late Bishop John S. Holly was Diocesan. He was ordained in Los Angeles, CA at the 1968 Convention of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World. In the year of 1975, he was elevated to the position of District Elder. Bishop Ellis was elevated to the Office Suffragan Bishop in August 1992. March 1994 he was elevated to the office of Bishop and assigned the 15th Episcopal Diocese (Mountain States) of the PAW. He served 2 terms as a dedicated and progressive Chairman of the Texas State Council.
On June 29, 1963, he was united to Holy Matrimony to Sister Mary P. Wilkins of Chicago, IL. They are now the proud parents of 4 sons: Isaac of Waco, TX, Jonathan, Michael and William, II of San Antonio. Their 5 lovely grandchildren are their pride and joy. In 1968 the Lord directed Bishop Ellis to San Antonio, Texas to pastor the Lincoln Park Church of Christ. Believing that God could bless him just as he blessed Abraham, Bishop and Sister Ellis packed their family and on a cold day in January embarked on the historic trip to their new home. God was indeed faithful to his word; during the previous year, the church membership increased to over 600 active members. He became a "Pentecostal Trailblazer" in San Antonio: He was the first in that area to schedule a weekly church service on television, and served on many Civic Boards and championed many causes.
Once again, The Lord spoke to Bishop Ellis and commissioned him to build a cathedral of worship to accommodate his people. The new modern and renamed Greater Lincoln Park Temple Located at 937 West Magnolia in San Antonio stands as a memorial of the legacy left in that city by this great man of God. It is currently under the leadership of his son, Suffragan Bishop Jonathan D. Ellis.
He was elected by a large plurality vote as pastor of the Apostolic Pentecostal Church of Morgan Park on December 6, 1995. Returning to Chicago, he has proven to be an anointed visionary evidenced by many souls that have been saved and blessings God has bestowed upon both he and his flock. There is no doubt that Bishop William A. Ellis’ steps have been ordered by the Lord and that this 13th child born to Elder and Mrs. Charles Ellis on September18, 1942 has come into the kingdom for such a time as this!