Rev. Christopher Gregg Gilmer
Apostolic Ministers Fellowship
1932 ~ Present
Reverend Chris Gilmer was born on July 13, 1932 in Bosier City, Louisiana. He was raised in the church, and as a child he and his family attended the First Pentecostal Church in Bosier City. Before his conversion experience, he worked in the steel industry with his father. He also worked in the oil fields. Chris served four years in the United States Air Force (1952-1956).
It was while serving in the Air Force that Chris began attending the First Apostolic Church in San Bernadino, California pastored by Brother Howard Davis. He received the baptism of the Holy Ghost in May of 1954, and was later baptized in Jesus' name by Brother Davis. On August 28, 1954, Chris and Shirley Ann Henry were married. To this union was born three children.
Brother Gilmer worked in his home church in San Bernadino for nine years, serving in several capacity's. He evangelized for three months before going to Fort Stockton, Texas, where he started Apostolic Tabernacle in August of 1963. In 1969 he became a member of the newly formed Apostolic Minister's Fellowship. He served two terms as the General Chairman of the AMF (1986-1990). Elder Gilmer is one of the innumerable servants of God that has faithfully served in the oneness movement. Audio and Video Recordings of Elder Chris Gilmer are available in the audio/video library.