Bishop Lambert W. Gates
Pentecostal Churches of the Apostolic Faith
1958 ~ Present
Bishop Lambert Wage Gates Sr., was born on October 31, 1958, in Detroit, Michigan. The son of the late Leroy, Sr., and Elise Anna Wade Gates, he is the youngest on nine siblings. When he was 6 months old his mother died, and from the age of 2, was raised by his father and stepmother, the late Minnie gates. He credits his stepmother with keeping him in church as a youth and diligently instructing him in the ways of the Lord. His father, whom he saw as a "wise counselor and friend", instilled in him strong Christian values and the importance of being the best at whatever he would do in life.
He was baptized at the age of seven, and filled with the Holy Ghost on March 28, 1970, at the age of 11 at the Clinton Street Greater Bethlehem Temple, his church home.
Educated in the Detroit Public School, he graduated with honors at the age of sixteen in 1975. He continued his education, attending the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor where he majored in English. Soon after, he began his professional career as a high school English teacher in Detroit. He received a bachelor of Arts degree in 1980. To further his education he engaged in business studies through Suffolk University in Boston, massachusetts and is actively pursuing a Master of Arts degree in Christian Ministries through the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary based in Springfield, Missouri.
Bishop Gate's ministerial career began in 1975 when he preached his first sermon, "Great is Thy faithfulness", in Ferndale, Michigan. He joined the Apostolic Faith Temple in 1978, cultivating a close relationship with the pastor, Bishop Nemiah Smith. at Faith Temple he worked in such capacities as building fund chairman, director of auxiliaries, and as a general aide to the pastor.
During this phase of his ministry he also became established as an evangelist. in 1984, upon becoming an ordained minister of the Pentecostal churches of the apostolic Faith, he was asked to serve as the assistant pstor at Faith Temple. In addition to service to his local assembly, he has contributed to a great degree on an organized level serving as chairman of the youth Auxiliary of the Michigan State Council, president of the National Youth conference, and as an elected member of the Board of directors.
On August 25, 1988, Bishop Gates was elected to the pastorate of the Mt. Zion Apostolic church in Indianapolis, Indiana, succeeding the late Bishop James O. Franklin. He was officially installed on December 11, 1988. In 1996, the P.C.A.F., in ackmowledgement of his ministerial achievements at the local and national levels, appointed him to the bishopric. He was consecrated on August 8, 1997.
In May 2004, he was appointed to diocesan bishop of the 7th Episcopal District, succeeding the late Bishop Jester Purnell. From this he has created the indiana Diocese Fellowship, a quarterl evangelistic service designed to promote unity and fellowship among the indiana churches.
Bishop Gates believes in a holistic approach to ministry, structuring the ministries of Mt. Zion to deal with the tripartite nature of man. He is an outstanding teacher of the word of god and is a nationally known speaker whose ministry is in constant demand. He can be seen nationally on the "Victory Through Praise" telecast, and heard locally on the "Joyful Sounds" radio broadcast.
Bishop Gates and his wife Nancy, are the proud parents of Lambert Wade, Jr., and Cameron David.