Ida Haywood Hancock
1884 ~ 1954
Ida Howard was born in 1884 in the modest town of Owensboro, Kentucky. She was the youngest of (8) children born to Samuel and Fanny Howard. Her early years were colorfully interwoven with the things that made up a most beautiful character, tears, griefs and the gold of happiness. When (14) years of age, she moved to Indianapolis, Indiana, making her home with an older sister. In 1902, Ida met and became the wife of Garfield Thomas Haywood, who later became the first presiding bishop of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World. Together they had only one child, a daughter whom they named Fannie.
In 1908, she was filled with the Holy Ghost. It was during those early years, that the rich area of her influence was expanded and she was able to lend her qualities in the blue-printing of our religious era, at which time it was obvious that a great work lay ahead.
The grace of God and her extraordinary background fitted her exceptionally well for the role she of necessity must play as pioneer in the work of God. In the mid-twenties with her family she travelled extensively in the United States., Canada, Europe and the holy land: And she was loved by many in the cities and countries that she visited; because of her endeavor to exemplify the life of Christ and appease that spiritual hunger among God loving people everywhere.
In 1931, she was dealt a crushing blow, in the passing of her husband, the late Bishop G.T. Haywood. Her world of hope lay in a crumpled heap at her feet and she stood with broken heart: facing what promised to be an empty future: but, true to her noble bearing, she bravely gathered the broken cords, securing them fast with her indoitable faith and courage. She met and comforted her friends and continued her service as counsellorto both tyoung and old, placing within them the inner security, intelligence and fundamental truths, moral and spiritual.
In 1939, she became the wife of Bishop Samuel N. Hancock, pastor and founder of Clinton Street Greater Bethlehem Temple and came to make her home in Detroit, Michigan. Allied to another great warrior, she again shouldered the responsibility which had been hers for all most half a century. She did not possess dynamic oratory, but her faith was infinite and her insight into affairs as well as people was astounding. Her rich resources of wit and wisdom was endless and she was able to convey to others that profound rapture which was co-part of her character.
On August 1, 1954, while the guest of Elder and Sister William Crossley, in Buffalo, New York., Sister Hancock was stricken with an apparently minor ailment but, which proved to be fatal. Monday, November 8, 1954, after informing her family of the immediate end, to their consternation, folded her earthly robes about her and fell on sleep in Christ.The best of her years were given to the work of God and the service of his people.