Rev. Clyde Joseph Haney
United Pentecostal Church International
1912 ~ 1971
On May 14, 1912. Clyde Joseph Haney was born to Levi and Sophie Haney. His father was a minister who worked alongside Charles Price, a pre-World War II faith healer. Clyde was 14 years old when his father took to the way of Satan and left his wife and children for another woman. Clyde became embittered toward God because of the hardships imposed on his family because of his father's sins.
Since Sophie's family was in the cattle business, it was a natural thing for Clyde to follow this line of work. By the age of 17 he was foreman on one of the largest ranches in northern California that, between ownership and leasing, was running cattle on about 40 thousand acres. He worked hard, and on the side was building his own herd with which he planned to someday own his own ranch. But God had other plans for him.
Since most counties were dry (no liquor), moonshine (bootleg liquor) was what they drank made with illegal stills. One day Clyde got hold of a bad batch of moonshine that was poisoned, and he became extremely ill to the point of death. The doctor gave him just a few days to live. Through all of this Clyde was being dealt with by God to surrender to Him and preach the Gospel.
At the age of twenty, and at the very point of death he committed his life to preach, and God instantly healed him. He sold his cattle and horse and walked away from the ranch life to fulfill the call to become a pastor and teacher for Christ.
In time Clyde married Olive Grey. He attended Harry Morse's bible training school in Oakland, California, and in 1935 began a serious study of the book of Revelation. He evangelized and pastored several churches.
In 1938 he accepted the pastorate of a little community church in Paloma, California. In 1940 he returned to Stockton, California and became assistant pastor in a church then called Pentecostal Harmony Chapel. Called to pastor a church in Pasadena in 1941, he continued there for five years.
Brother Haney returned to Stockton in 1946, where he was to remain for the for the rest of his life. He accepted the pastorate of Pentecostal Harmony Chapel, changing the name to First Pentecostal Church. It was here he felt the need for a Bible school to train young ministers. In February 1949 Clyde started the Pentecostal Bible School, which was renamed the Western Apostolic Bible college in 1953. Later the name was changed again to Christian Life College.
While teaching and pastoring, one of Clyde's great burdens was to rightly divide the Word of Truth by the proper interpretation of Scripture. He faithfully taught Eschatology until his untimely death. Clyde also ministered as the day-time Bible teacher at many camp meetings and district Bible conferences teaching pastors and their saints. On October 15, 1971, as the result of an automobile accident Bro. Clyde Haney went home to be with the Lord. He was licensed and ordained with the United Pentecostal Church International. Bro. Haney's legacy remains with us to this day. Audio Recordings of Rev. Clyde Haney are available in our Audio Library.