Rev. Bruce Jarrell
Apostolic Ministers Fellowship
Deceased 1971
In the fall of 1954, under a tent revival in the Lee Road Community of St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, Bruce Jarrell, a (25) year old, walked into a Pentecostal service for the very first time. On October 2, 1954 he received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and was baptized in Jesus' Name. On November 9, 1956 he married Eloise Reviere. Brother Jarrell attended Pentecostal Bible Institute during 1957 and 1958 as he prepared himself for the ministry.
He preached a number of revivals before accepting the pastorate of the First Pentecostal Church of Hulden, Louisiana. He served there from September, 1959 to June 1965. On June 5, 1965 Brother Jarrell went to Zachary, Louisiana to build a church. He started in a tent, and after several months, he began work on a building. He served there for four years.
In 1969, Brother Jarrell began evangelizing again. During the last six months of the year he saw over 100 people receive the Holy Ghost. On January 6, 1970 he became the pastor of the Pentecostal Church in Jeanerette, Louisiana. In (17) months, the church grew from (12) members, to over one hundred, filled with the Holy Ghosty, and baptized in Jesus' Name.
Brother id not live long, but he lived a full life. He served God well in the (17) years that he was saved. He offered himself, gave himself, and spent himself. He used himself up ij his driving effort to do something for God. In early June of 1971, he told Brother Ray Majors, "I am about through. I won't be here much longer. I am about used up". On June 30, 1971, at 3:10 in the afternoon, after he had served his own generation, Brother Jarrell fell on sleep, and went to his rest and reward. Brother Jarrell will be remembered as one of God's select General's, who helped to lead many souls into the fulness of this great Apostolic message.