Rev. Fredrick E. Kinzie
United Pentecostal Church International
1914 ~ 2009
Fred Kinzie was born February 4, 1914 in Breman, Indiana. He was the youngest child of William and Minnie Kinzie. A new item in the Frebruary 7th 1917, issue of the Breman, Indiana newspaper, "The Inquirer" stated: "If you noticed a fluctuation in the stockmarket this past week it was probably due to the birth of a son, Fredrick E. Kinzie.
Our nation was emerging from the horse and buggy era to the Model T Ford at the time Fred came on the scene. He lived through six wars, the cold war plus the great depression. All of these events made a profound impression on his life.
When Fred was five years old the Kinzie family moved to a farm near Lapaz, Indiana. There, playing with the next door neighborhood kids, he met Vera Berger who later became his wife. They both graduated from Lapaz High School, Fred in 1931. In 1934 they were joined together in marriage. On December 16, 2006 Vera went home to her eternal reward.
They began their lives as farmers, fully expecting to do that the rest of their lives. However, in 1936, things dramatically changed when they yeilded their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ, and received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. They became active in the Plymouth, Indiana 'Old Time Religion Tabernacle' church pastored by Walter D. Mangun.
In 1941, Fred felt his call to the ministry. Fearful and lacking confidence, he was indecisive, vascillating between 'yes and no.' In the winter of 1944, he took time off from the farm to help Evangelist Earl Gamblin, preaching and singing in meetings in Miami and Pensecola, Florida. Fred was suddenly struck with rheumatic fever, and entered the hospital in Pensecola. While in the hospital, he committed his life to the ministry, and was instantly healed.
Two months later in July 1944, the Kinzie's began evangelizing. The Kinzie Evangelistic Party traveled for the next nine years. They were honored to to be a part of the merger Conference in 1945.
Many opportunities to pastor churches from California to Florida, and a number in between, were offered them while traveling, but the Lord impressed him to 'keep on doing what he was doing.' None of those churches were in the will of God except Toledo, Ohio. The call to Toledo was so definite that doubts never crossed his mind. Fred arrived in May, 1953, built three church buildings during his pastorate, moving twice.
After 30 years of pastoring, the church was turned over to (son-in-law) J. Mark Jordan and family. After retiring, Brother Kinzie began writing. He learned how to use the computer at age 70, and wrote five books that were published by Word Aflame Press and many articles printed in the Pentecostal Herald and District magazines.
On Sunday, February 4, 2009, Fredrick E. Kinzie, age 95 passed away after a month long respiratory illness.