Bishop J. B. Lambeth
Apostolic Ministers Fellowship
1932 ~ 2006
Bishop J.B. lambeth was born in Kilgore, Texas, and from birth he was reared in the First Pentecostal Church of Kilgore. He was baptized in 1942 by Elder Taylor Ford, the general manager of the South Central Council and Pentecostal Publishing House of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ situated in the city of Kilgore, Texas, and he received the Holy Ghost, on October 12, 1946 under the ministry of Sister Nona Freeman. For eight years Elder A.W. Buie Sr. served as his pastor and counselor.
J.B. Lambeth attended Apostolic College in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Apostolic Bible Institute, in St. Paul Minnesota. He later did graduate work in various colleges and universities throughout the world. Wanda Louise Mason Lambeth received the Holy Ghost under the ministry of evangelists Charlotte and Nila. She was reared in the baptist Church. Elder A.W. Buie Sr. baptized her in Jesus' name in January, 1949, and served as her pastor until her marriage to J.B. Lambeth. The couple established churches, before going to Brazil, in the cities of Beckville, Tatum, and Longview, Texas. They had applied for an appointment to Africa, but the country in which they desired to work, ws closed to missionaries. J.B. agreed to assist in the work in Brazil, and after a five year term, felt Brazil was truly his field of calling.
J.B., Wanda, and John Bradley Lambeth arrived in Brazil on April 20, 1960. The flight originated in Houston, Texas, arriving in Porto Algre, R.G.S., Brazil at midnight. There was no one to meet the Lambeths, and in their desperation, having a small hungry child of 18 months, and being unable to speak the language, they began to earnestly pray. The only person who spoke English in the airport was a young man who worked in the control tower.
They went to Brazil to assist the Samuel Baker family, who had trained in the capitol city of Urigual. The American Consulate assisted them in making contact with the Bakers. This was the beginning of a partnership that ushered in the Jesus Name movement in the country. The New Birth message, in its fullness, to their knowledge, had never been preached before in Brazil, but from that humble beginning evolved a following that numbered in the thousands. There are now dozens of mini-organizations, traditional denominational groups, and independent movements throughout the country, but they all stemmed from that original endeavor. The Bakers, during a six month period assisted the Lambeths in language study and adjustment.
The Lambeths then relocated to San Paulo. In Rio Grande do Suil, two years passed before there was a single conversion. This was a dark and discouraging experience for the Lambeths. Visitation, door to door, continued. Then a couple in Vila Mathias Velho, Canoas, manifested an interest in the Jesus Name message, and shortly afterward they were among the first to be baptized in Jesus' name under the Lambeths. The wife had cancer, and much prayer was offered for her healing and salvation; but she did not receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost. However, on the day of her burial, at the funeral service, her husband and twenty-one others were filled with the Holy Ghost. The revival fires spread from the funeral service into the mountains, and across the valleys of Southern Brazil, and seventeen churches were raised up as a result.
Preaching points were established in cattle barns, under trees, and inpeasant huts, houses and halls in seventeen cities. It was during this time that oppositions became acute, and Noemi, an eighteen year old girl, who had just received the Holy Ghost, was martyred by a strong Catholic activist. There were other dedicated men and women that gave their lives in the service of the King during those early years, and the Apostolic churches still remember those soldiers of the cross as heroes.
A camp ground was purchased, a Bible Training School was founded, a down town central hall was leased on the street of Lima and Silva, and for the first tme in the country, a radio broadcast was initiated that propagated the Jesus Name message. The Apostolic College and New Life university was founded and a four year liberal arts graduate program was established. There are branch schools in the states of San Paulo and Santa Catarina. The apostolic Churches of Brazil sponsors Ministerial Study Seminars, training and adult study programs, two annual Youth Congresses, a National ladies Retreat, a Circuit Ministry Project, and a School of Music. The Evangelism Department is progressive, and through their efforts, numerous churches are initiated each year, as well as buildings and chapels that have been erected for the glory of God.
Bishop J.B. Lambeth has been mightily used of God over the course of his ministry. His legacy will long remembered as his work for God stands as a perpetual memorial to what this man of God has accomplished over his lifetime. In 2006 Bishop Lambeth graduated from his earthly labor and went home to be with the Lord. Audio Recordings of Bishop J.B. Lambeth are available in our Audio Library.