Bishop Austin Augustus Layne
Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
1891 ~ 1967
Bishop Austin A. Layne was born on April 2, 1891, in Barbados, West Indies. He was one of nine children born to the Reverend and Mrs. Samuel Layne. Austin was educated in the private and public schools in Barbados. During his childhood he always had godly inclinations, and was converted at the age of ten. Austin was foremost in Sunday School, and the young people's group.
On Sunday's the young people held street meetings and Austin was their preacher. He was always on preaching tours with his father after school. The call of God was ever on his heart. Austin came to the United States at the age of twenty-two, and settled in New York City. He met Selena Alberta Stewart while living in New York, and they were married on October 12, 1916. Eight children were born to this union.
He took a graduate course in theology from Columbia University in New York City. He received two certificates from Moody Bible Institute, and was a member of the Society of Psychology. One sunday while walking down fifth Avenue at the corner of 134th Street, he saw a street meeting, and because he always respected religious services, he stopped, and as he stood there, a child about the age of fourteen mounted the stand. This girl was the sister of the late Fats Walker. This was the beginning of his start in holiness.
In the summer of 1914, while sitting in an early morning prayer meeting, God came and filled him with the Holy Ghost. Later, he was enlightened to baptism in the name of Jesus, which he also accepted. The late Bishop G.T. Haywood ordained and appointed him as District Elder, and he was called in 1918, to pastor the Temple Church of Christ in St. Louis Missouri, which he did for 48 years.
Bishop Layne was the Diocesan of the 12th Episcopal District of the P.A.W. He was one of St. Louis' most prominent ministers who believed in progress. He had unstinting faith in God, believed in prayer and fasting. With those ingredients he was able to bring forth one of St. Louis' largest churches. The Temple Church of Christ.
Bishop Layne started this church in a storefront in 1918, located on Market Street. After a long and fruitful ministry, Bishop Layne fell on sleep in his home, located at 3909 San Francisco Court. He was 76 years of age. Final rites were held on October 21, 1967.