Bishop Clester Richard Lee
Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
1896 ~ 1991
Bishop C. R. Lee was the eldest of nine children born September 28, 1896, in Hart County, Kentucky and moved to Marion, Indiana where he attended public schools. A vetren of World War I, he was married to Mary Ellice Garrett and became the father of one son and three daughtes. He founded and co-owned Lee and Lee Wall Cleaners which served the Mansfield, Ohio area.
Clester's first encounter with Christ was at the age of seventeen at an old-fashioned mourner's bench in the Allen Temple A.M.E. Church at Marion, Indiana. It was not until the year 1927, that he learned of holiness and the Apostolic doctrine through his in-laws who had received knowledge of the truth as a result of street meetings held in their little town of Alexandria by zealous workers from Christ Temple in Indianapolis, Indiana. After much struggle against this "new doctrine", careful investigation and observation of the lives of these "Jesus Only" people, combined with diligent searching of the Scriptures, Clester and his wife, the late Mary Garrett Lee, were baptized in Muncie, Indiana by the late Bishop Oscar Sanders in December 1929.
The young converts returned to Mansfield after the Christmas holidays and soon began witnessing to others and transporting prospective converts to Columbus, Ohio to hear more of the truth under the ministry of the late Bishop K.F. Smith. Soon cottage meetings commenced and eventually a store-front church was opened with Elder Lee having the overssight though not the pastorate. After several unsuccessful attempts by other ministers to pastor, Elder Lee eventually said "Amen" to the will of God and accepted the pastorate of the Apostolic Church of Christ, originally named the Temple of Christ. Elder Lee was not only founder, but also builder of the church located at 245 North Adams Street, Mansfield, Ohio.
Following the demise of Sister Mary Lee, Elder Lee was married to Sister Ada Brown-Haines, a devout woman of God remembered for her dedication and faithfulness to the work and people of God in the Ohio District Council. Elder Lee's work in the Ohio District has included serving as treasurer, vice-chairman, chairman, and member of the advisory board. Subsequent to being made Suffragan Bishop of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, he was elevated to full bishipric and assigned to Episcopal District 10 (the Southren Tri-State Council) where he served until 1972, when he became diocesan of the Ohio District Council. He was a man of faith by precept and erxample, having trusted God for physical healing for almost 58 years without benefit of any medication. Bishop Lee departed this earthly life, August 8, 1991.