Rev. Charlie Dean Mahaney
United Pentecostal Church International
1942 ~ 2007
Rev. Charles Mahaney was born June 25, 1942 in Wichita, Kansas to the late Orville Mahaney and Nadine Jackson Mahaney.
He was an ordained minister with the United Pentecostal Church International, and an evangelist for thirty-four years. He worked with the General Home Missions Division, serving as the national Director of Prison ministry and National Director of Jewish Outreach.
He served on numerous boards and committies for the UPCI, preaching camps, campmeetings, tent revivals and conferences including the National General Conference. He was also a prominent author, student and scholar of Hebrew studies and languages, hosting 35 trips to Israel.
On March 11, 2007 Elder Mahaney entered into his eternal rest. He is survived by his wife, Juanita, "Nita" Mahaney, two sons, Nick and Michael Mahaney, and one daughter, Michelle Mahaney. Audio recordings of Charles Mahaney are available in the audio library of the apostolic Archives international.