Rev. Herman Maroney
Apostolic Ministers Fellowship
1912 ~ 1989
Reverend Herman Maroney was born on February 1, 1912. In 1935, he married his lovely wife, and settled down in New Braufels, Texas. He was employed by the Comal Textile Mill. Somewhere during this time, he became aquainted with a young man rom Russia, by the name of Daniel Kinsfather, who built the First Pentecostal Church on West Bridge Street in New Braunfels, Texas in 1936.
In 1938, the Maronry's were invited to church and were convicted of their sins after hearing the gospel of Acts 2:38. They went to the altar, and repented of their sins, and were baptized in Jesus' name. In Jusne of 1939, they both received the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
In 1940, Brother Maroney felt the call to preach. He quit his job at the mill on July 31, 1943, and with the blessings of his pastor, said farewell to all, not knowing where he would go.With two children, Brother and Sister Maroney started out. They went to May, Texas and held an open air revival, and people from all around the area came to hear the truth preached. from there they went to Palacious, Texas to hold a revival. While thet were in that town, the saint's from Louise, Texas visited and desired to have Brother Maroney be their pastor. In August of 1944, they moved to Louise, and saw many souls find the Lord.
In 1949, they moved to LaWard, Texas and was there a short time before going to Brownsville, Texas where they settled down for three years. Then. they moved to Buna, Texas and was there for five years. After his resignation from Buna, brother Maroney went to Kermit, Texas and pastored there for eight and one half years. After leaving Kermit, they traveled for six years and pastored for one year in Jefferson, Texas. On January 6, 1972 they went to Tyler, Texas and Brother Maroney became the pastor of the First Apostolic Church.
After many years of serving God in the ministry, Brother Maroney went home to be with the Lord, on May 20, 1989. He will be remembered in the annals of history as a true man of God, who stood for the truth. Audio Recordings of Elder Herman Maroney are available in our Resource Department.