Bishop Roland B. Martin
Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
1930 ~ 1997
Roland B. Martin, the first of fourteen children from the union of the late Ben K. and Rosemary ("Nina") Martin, was born on June 12, 1930 in Indianapolis, Indiana. Roland was a product of the Indianapolis public schools, including Number 87 elementary school, and Chrispus Attucks high school. He was also blessed to receive theology training, attend many theology classes, and further his Christian education under the tutelage of other great men of the gospel.
On July 18, 1954, Roland was joined in holy matrimony to the former Arlee Shead. This union was blessed with five children. In addition, they were blessed to raise Roland's daughter (Antheyl). Together, Roland and Arlee served in the vineyard of the Lord for 36 years.
At a very early age, Roland was baptized in Jesus' name and filled with the holy ghost. Roland was a hard working servant of God. He held various jobs in his lifetime to help defray church expenses, including positions at Mapleton high School anfd the Denver Merchandise mart. He also served as a mortician for 25years working for Kirk Mortuary, which is now known as Caldwell-Kirk Mortuary. In addition, he was blessed and proud to be an investor and supporter of Caldwell-Kirk Mortuary where he developed a special friendship and association with Elvin caldwell, Jr.
In 1961, Roland was ordained and called to the founding and pastorate of Zion Temple Pentecostal Church, which had its humble beginning in a small storefront at 6th and Elati Street in Denver, Colorado. Through humbleness, faithfulness, and hard work, his pastorate was blessed.
In September of 1962, through the divine help of God and the visionary outlook of Elder Roland Martin, the church family purchased properties at 2501 California Street. from this location, the root church sprouted many branches.
In September of 1977, under the leadership of Elder Martin, the church family was directed to re-locate to church properties at 790 Grape Street. God continued to pour out his blessings at this location, and the Zion Temple Church rose to the forefront of the Apostolic Movement in this Rocky Mountain Region.
In August of 1985, God once again blessed Elder Roland Martin to realize another vision. The Zion Temple church family re-located to its present hbeautiful church edifice, where God continues to pour out His Spirit upon all flesh.
Elder Martin's ministry was an exciting one, that bore much fruit. He held many positions in the Northwestern District Council including, Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Administrative Assistant to the Diocesan Bishop. He was also recognized at the international level for his great contributions to the upbuilding of God's kingdom. many of the Apostolic churches in the Rocky Mountain Region are an outgrowth of Zion Temple Church.
In 1981, Elder Roland Martin was elevated to the office of District Elder and in 1992, at the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, National Convention, he was elevated to the office of Suffragan Bishop. on June 26, 1997, the Northwestern District Council nominated Bishop Martin to become their next Diocesan Bishop.
Bishop Roland Martin enjoyed his calling to the ministry. He labored untold hours in God's vineyard. He was always happy to travel across the country to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Why? because he loved and reverenced the Lord and he loved the saints of God.
Bishop Roland Martin was a man who always had the saints at heart. He purchased homes to house senior citizens and for educational purposes. He purchased the Zion Temple Church bus to provide transportation for the saints, as well as the community. He was a man who NEVER stopped giving.
On Wednesday, July 2, 1997 at 10:00 p.m., Bishop Roland Martin was released from the cares, trials, and suffering of this life. He has been translated from the terrestrial sphere to that celestial sphere, thus ending a span of sixty-seven years.
He leaves behind his family to forever cherish his memory and to carry on his legacy and dreams. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.