Bishop Robert Wilson McMurray
Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
1926 ~ 1994
Bishop McMurray was born June 8, 1926 to Roy McMurray and Elizabeth Langhorn, the third of five children in Cincinnati, Ohio. As a young man, he received his elementary and secondary education in Cincinnati, Ohio. He graduated from Malone College in Canton, Ohio and Aenon Bible College in Columbus, Ohio. He also attended the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois for Bible Studies Enrichment.
The ability to perform before groups and captivate their attention was a recognizable gift. Even as a youngster, he was often chosen for the lead role in school productions and that was the start of his stage career. Later as a result, he performed with various entertainers throughout the country such as Frank Sinatra, Martha Raye, Lionel Hampton and Marie Hutton. There was a greater call on his life that could not be satisfied by the applause received on stage. In 1946, while attending revival services at First Pentecostal Church in Cincinnati, Ohio, pastored by the late Elder Elsie Young, the words of Dr. Lottie Glenn pierced his heart and he gave his life to Jesus and was baptized in Jesus' Name and filled with the Holy Ghost. He grew in God and after being saved for little over a year, Brother McMurray was elected Youth Chairman at the local assembly then pastored by Elder Jasper Phillips.
While working as Youth Cahirman, he met Jeannette Bryant, a lovely young lady who was serving as Treasurer of the same Youth Board. On August 18, 1950, a commitment of love was made between Robert and Jeannette in Holy Matrimony. Together with God's divine guidance they have blended their lives into a sacred tapestry of love. In the process of time, God blessed this union with four children.
Brother McMurray became a National Evangelist of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World in 1952, and began to travel extensively throughout the United States. It soon became evident that a profound anointing was upon him for Evangelism. Evangelist McMurray became known for conducting phenominal successful tent meetings with large crowds following his thriving ministry. Hundreds have been won for the Lord Jesus Christ through his dynamic evangelistic outreach.
In 1954, Evangelist McMurray was ordained as an Elder and in May of the same year became Pastor of Bethel Apostolic Church in Canton, Ohio. Elder McMurray was called to Pastor the Bethany Apostolic Church in January of 1962. His outstanding preaching coupled with his quick wit and rhymthmatic word pattern endeared him to the hearts of many and the church quadrupled attendance.Sensing a keen responsibility of the involvement of the Community, he changed the name of Bethany Apostolic Church to "Greater Bethany Community Church" uniting a growing membership to fulfill an expanding vision.
In 1`973, the office of Bishop was conferred on District Elder McMurray. Bishop McMurray has been recognized as one of the most dynamic, effective and progressive ministers in the United States of America. His accomplishments caused his Church Family to name him "God's Man of Action".
Bishop McMurray's dedicated ministry has been recognized by his peers. He has distinguished leadership positions in his faith and other ecumenical entities. In addition to being Pastor of Greater Bethany Community Church, he served on the Board of Directors after election by the General Assembly and later was elevated to the Bishopric of the 20th Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma. Bishop McMurray also held the office of Chairman of the California State Council of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World.
In March of 1977, Bishop McMurray was installed as Bishop of the California/Nevada District Council of the P.A.W. Bishop McMurray's unprecedented accomplishments were further recognized when the Doctrate degree of Sacred Letters was conferred upon him by the Fundamental Bible Seminary of Clearmore, Oklahoma; Doctorate Degree of Humanities conferred by Aenon bible college of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World; and a Doctorate Degree of Literature conferred by the City University, Los Angeles, California.
On May 28, 1994 after serving his own generation, Bishop McMurray fell on sleep, and was received up into glory. Audio and Video Recordings of Bishop Robert W. McMurray are available in our Resource Department.