Rev. A.C. "Sonny" McNairn
Apostolic Ministers Fellowship
1934 ~ 2000
Reverend A.C. McNairn was born in Magnolia, Mississippi, on December 21, 1934, to a preacher's family. His father was a Pioneer Preacher in the State of Mississippi. Bro. McNairn and his family moved to Louisiana, and there he gave his heart to the Lord in 1961. He was called into the ministry, and went to Luling, Louisiana in 1969, and founded the church and labored there for the next twenty-five years. Many were baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost during this time.
many people moved away from Luling because of jobs, but Brother McNairn kept the faith, and remained until God sent more souls. It was always obvious that he and his wife had the work of God at heart. Sister Shoney McNairn contracted cancer, and fought a valiant fight against the disease. After God chose to take her home, Brother McNairn remained the pastor in Luling for a while. After many lonely days and nights, God moved in a great way to bring happiness and joy back into his life.
He met and married Sister Maddox, and afterward turned the church in Luling into the capable leadership of Brother Hopkins. Afterward Bro. and Sis. McNairn started to travel as theymade a great evangelistic team. In 1994, The McNairn went to Prentiss, Mississippi, to be pastor. On August 12, 1994, there was a pastor installation service.
After a successful ministry, Brother McNairn was struck with a serious blood disorder which led to leukemia. Aggresive chemotherapy destroyed the platelets in his blood. On July 23, 2000 this valiant soldier won the battle. He fought a good fight, and kept the faith.