Rev. Dallas Ray Mefford
Apostolic Ministers Fellowship
1933 ~ 2021
Reverend Dallas Mefford was born March 21, 1933 in Pima, Arizona. At the age of ten he began attending the First Pentecostal Church in Bakersfield, California pastored by Ike Terry. On June 14, 1946 he received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. On June 15, 1946 he was baptized in Jesus' name. Before Brother Mefford began preaching, he worked as a sheet metal journeyman. At the age of 24, he became the assistant to Brother Terry.
On June 20, 1953 Dallas and Ethal Stevens were united in holy matrimony. Brother Jimmy Davis officiated the cerimony. Together they have three children. August 17, 1962 proved to be a real test of faith as Brother Mefford launched a campaign to build a successful church for the cause of Christ in the city of Las Vegas, Nevada. With only one other family, services were begun in their home.
In 1964, Brother Mefford bought an old Church of Christ building. They were there for two years. In 1967, they moved to a rented building which measured 35 by 11. In 1968, they purchased two and one half acres, and built a new church. In 1976, another building was erected of which the church is presently located.
Brother Mefford is known throughout the rank-in-file of Oneness Pentecost as a prolific Bible teacher. His unique style will hold the listener spellbound. He has always stood for truth, and never ceases to defend the holiness message. Brother Mefford has traveled extensively throughout North America teaching and preaching the Apostolic message. In 1996 He retired from pastoring, and turned his church over to his son-in-law, Brother Steve Stoltzfus. His ministry remained in great demand as he continued to be a blessing to the body of Christ. On May 7, 2021 after serving his generation well, Brother Mefford fell on sleep! Recordings of Elder Dallas Mefford are available in our audio and video catalogs.