Rev. Paul D. Mooney
United Pentecostal Church International
Brother Paul Mooney is pastor of Calvary Tabernacle Church in Indianapolis, Indiana, and also serves as president of Indiana Bible College and of Calvary Christian Schools. He is presently serving as Assistant General Superintendent, Eastern Zone of the United Pentecostal Church International.
Paul Mooney answered the call of God and began his ministry at twenty years of age with the Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ. He served as their evangelistic coordinator for North America and was one of the youngest men ever to preach the organization's International Conference.
After evangelizing three years, he accepted the pastorate of Muskegon Apostolic Tabernacle located in Muskegon, Michigan, in 1966. In twenty-two years he guided the church from thirteen baptized members to a congregation of over three hundred. For the last seven years he was in Muskegon, he served concurrently as pastor of Shelby United Pentecostal Church. In 1980, Brother Mooney founded Bread of Life radio broadcast, and he has been its speaker since its inception.
During Brother Mooney's ministry in Michigan with the United Pentecostal Church, he served twelve years on the Board of Presbyters before being elected District Secretary in 1983. He fulfilled his duties as Michigan District Secretary until called upon to step into the position of District Superintendent after the death of his beloved friend William R. Starr in 1987. While serving on the district board he directed dozens of camp meetings for all age groups, chaired the Michigan District Educational Committee and, in conjunction with the committee, was instrumental in founding the Apostolic Institute of Development, an in-district training program.
He also served on numerous other committees advancing missions and leadership services to the ministry. In 1988, Brother Mooney resigned his Michigan pastorates and the office of District Superintendent to become pastor of Calvary Tabernacle in Indianapolis, Indiana. He previously served on the United Pentecostal Church Foreign Missions board from 1990 until 1993 and again from 2002 until 2006. He was elected to the office of District Superintendent of the Indiana District of the UPCI where he served until 2002 when he resigned the superintendent's office to devote himself to launching Calvary Tabernacle and its ministries into the next phase of its great history.
Inspite of his busy schedule, Brother Mooney continues to be in demand as a conference, camp meeting, crusade, and seminar speaker, not only in North America, but around the world. His ministry has impacted thousands of saints, pastors, and leaders throughout the Apostolic movement. Audio and Video Recordings of Bro. Mooney are available in our Resource Department.