Bishop Benjamin Thomas Moore
Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
1927 ~ 1988
Bishop Benny Moore was born on March 23, 1927 in Toledo, Ohio. He was the son of Elder Curtis E. and Robbie Moore. When Sister Moore, who was a struggling, pioneer pastor and evangelist, found that she was again expecting, she wondered how they could possibly feed and clothe another child.
God gave her an answer in a vision. She saw her unborn son as he was to look years later, seated on a rock. The voice of God said to her, "I'll take care of him - he'll preach my word." Mother Moore never related her vision to her son until many years later, after he had acknowledged his call into the ministry. His humble beginnings were ripe with hardships and heartaches, however, test and trials, ignited the flame of the "refiner's fire." From an early age he learned the importance of diligence, the patience that comes through suffering, and the confidence born of adversity.
After graduating from Wiley High School in Terre Haute, Indiana in 1944, Benny attended Highland Park Junior College in Detroit, Michigan. Upon his arrival in Detroit, Benny enrolled in Wayne State University with his goal set on becoming a doctor. Many things however, intervened, which caused him to abandon this goal. Among them were a stint in the United States Armed Forces, and the acknowledgment of his call to the ministry.
During his early youth, Benny was baptized in Jesus' Name in Detroit, and received the Holy Ghost in Terre Haute during a meeting conducted by the late Evangelist Helen Navarro. After consulting with his pastor, Bishop Samuel N. Hancock, he attended, and graduated from Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana, with a B.A. degree in Religion and Sociology.
In 1950, Elder Moore was ordained in the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World. On January 30, 1951, he was united in holy matrimony to the former Miss Willa Mae Lee, the daughter of Bishop C.R. and Mary Elice Lee of Mansfield, Ohio. To this union was born four children. After several years serving as National Evangelist for the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, he accepted a position with Aenon Bible College in Indianapolis, where he served as instructor and later as Dean.
In 1954, Elder Moore answered the call of God to go to Seattle, Washington and start a church from virtually nothing. In 1955, Elder Moore along with Bishop A.William Lewis, organized the Pacific Northwest District Council of the P.A.W. Elder Moore quickly rose through the ranks of the P.A.W., from Elder, to District Elder, to the youngest Suffragan Bishop ever appointed in the P.A.W. In 1961, he was elevated to full Bishop. In September, 1977, God decreed that it was time for Bishop Moore to move into the next phase of His plan for his life. He received a call to come to Indianapolis, Indiana to assume the pastorate of Christ Temple. In December of that year he was installed as Pastor.
One of his many accomplishments was to get Fall Creek Parkway, which runs directly in front of Christ Temple, renaimed to G.T. Haywood Memorial Way. Even as Enoch walked with God, and was not, for God took him, so, on the morning of December 14, 1988, this outstanding servant of God was not, for God took him away. Bishop Benjamin Thomas Moore was an unforgettable preacher, and greatly anointed of God. Audio Recordings of Bishop Benjamin Moore are available in our Resource Department