"Mother" Mary Gill Moise
Apostolic Faith Movement
1850 ~ 1930
A pioneer in Pentecostal social ministry in St. Louis, Missouri. "Mother" Moise began her mission work under Episcopal bishop Daniel S. Tuttle. About 1907, she united with Pentecostals and operated her home of mercy. Her home was also called a "faith home" and practiced an open-door policy for wayward girls, drunks, prostitutes, and other social outcasts. The home was also used as a Bible training center for future preachers. Early Pentecostals traveling through St. louis always found a welcome. Her work with homeless girls won for her a first prize in the 1904 World's Fair.
Moise accepted rebaptism in the name of Jesus, which placed her and the work in the Oneness branch of Pentecostalism. She also accepted the belief that Christians need never die. At her death a St. Louis newspaper called her "one of the most widely known mission workers in the country."
In 1939 "Mother" Mary Gill Moise fell on sleep, as she entered into her eternal rest.