Rev. William Coffey Parkey
United Pentecostal Church International
1931 ~ Present
Reverend W.C. Parkey was born July 29, 1931 in Paoli, Oklahoma, the 7th of 8 children born to Robert Olen Parkey and Nelle Fay Randolph. William graduated in 1949 from Paoli High School. He was baptized in Jesus' name in 1940 under the ministry of Elder Charles E. Carter. He received the infilling of the Holy Ghost in 1941. Brother Parkey is a third generation Pentecostal. His father's parents received the Holy Ghost in 1930. His mother and father received the Holy Ghost in 1934, during a tent revival conducted by the late C.P. Kilgore. The tent was set up in the middle of a pasture in "Randolph Community" close to Paoli, Oklahoma.
William went on to graduate with a B.A. degree from Oklahoma University in Norman, Oklahoma in 1954. Afterward, he became a full-time student, and did some farm work as well. After graduating, Brother Parkey taught in Apostolic Faith School in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma where R.C. Wise was principle of the school.
Brother Parkey accepted his call into the ministry in 1952. In 1953 he was licensed with the United Pentecostal Church during a district conference in Claremore, Oklahoma. He was elected to serve as Secretary of the Pentecostal Conqurers in 1953. He became President of the Pentecostal Conqurers in 1955. Later he became Promotional Director for Harvestime Radio Broadcast, and served from 1963-1964.
On July 4, 1961 William Coffey Parkey became engaged to Miss Betty Lou Morgans. On September 1, 1961 they were united in Holy Matrimony. Four children was born to this union. Brother Parkey's first pastorate began in September, 1958, at "The Oneness Pentecostal Church" in Sperry, Oklahoma. He served there until December, 1963. During his pastorate in Sperry, he started a daughter work in Independence, Kansas in 1962. His second pastorate was in 1965 at the First Pentecostal Church in Kansas City, Missouri, founded by the late Winfred I. Black. He held this pastorate until August, 1974. While pastoring in Kansas City, Brother Parkey became President of Gateway Bible College in St. Louis, Missouri in 1968. He served the College until January 1, 1970. In1974, he became President once again of Gateway, and served in that position until August, 1980.
In August 1980, he moved to Popular Bluff, Missouri and began serving as pastor of the Apostolic Pentecostal Church. In 1983 a new church was built, and the name of the church was changed to Cornerstone Tabernacle. Brother Parkey has authored one book entitled, "Treasure and Truths" published in 2006. He has written 25 songs with 11 having been published. One of his most recognized songs is "Don't Let Me Forget". Brother Parkey has also written 200 poems. W.C. Parkey is a man of integrity! He has built a strong legacy over the course of his illustrious ministry, and will definately be remembered in the annuals of Apostolic church history as a man who loved truth. He has stood for truth and defended it with a passion. Audio Recording's of Brother W.C. Parkey are available in our Resource Department.