Bishop Phillip Lee Scott
Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
1907 ~ 1987
Bishop Phillip L. Scott was born in Greenwood, Mississippi in the yera of 1907. He was converted at the age of nine at the Morning Star Baptist Church in Mt. Byou, Mississippi. He came to live in St. Louis, Missouri in the year of 1921, and became a member of the Overcoming Church of God. On October 18, 1930, he was united in holy wedlock to Louvenia Williams who worked faithfully by his side until the Lord saw fit to take her home on August 21, 1981.
Bishop Scott was baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, according to Acts 2:38 and filled with the Holy Ghost acording to Acts 2:4. He was given godly power to lay hands on the sick, cast out devils in the Name of Jesus and preach the Gospel to every creature. Before becoming a pastor of the Lively Stone Church of God, Bishop P.L. Scott was a leader of the Lively stone Prayer Band. He became pastor of the Lively Stone Church in 1934.
Bishop Scott served in every established auxiliary of the church. He was organizer of the Church and the Business Manager. He skillfully served in radio ministry over many networks for twenty-nine years. Bishop Scott continued his education by completing a satisfactory course in Practical Theology, and received an Honorary Doctor of Divinity from the Aenon Bibnle College. He served in many national positions of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World for 14 years. He served as the Bishop of the 12th Episcopal District. After a long a fruitful ministry Bishop P.L. Scott went to sleep in Jesus on February 7, 1987. He left many loved ones to cherish his memory. Audio Recordings of Bishop P.L. Scott are available in our audio library.