Rev. Jewel H. Stanton
Apostolic Ministers Fellowship
1908 ~ 1984
Reverend J.H. Stanton was born in August, 1908, in Kingsville, Texas. He was a cotton farmer, welder, Air Force maintenance personal, and a Blacksmith by trade. He was saved in Brother E.O. Allen's church. During a revival at which time he was seeking for the baptism of the Holy Ghost, Brother C.W. Shew kicked the altar away from Brother Stantons, and told him, "If you want the Holy Ghost get serious, because your wasting God's time".
Jewel received the Holy Ghost, and went on to become mightly used of God. After receiving his call to preach he became a member of the Pentecostal Church Incorporated. At the merger in 1945, he bacame a charter member of the United Pentecostal Church International. He pastored churches in Journton, and Pleaston, Texas. In 1945, he went to Orange, Texas, and pastored the Gospel Lighthouse, United Pentecostal Church, located at 801 Border Street. He led this congregation from just a few people to around 400 at the time of his resignation in 1955.
From there, he pastored in: Carlsbad, New Mexico; Oakdale, and West Monroe, Louisiana; Crocket, and Greenville, Texas; and New Castle, Indiana. Several preachers were developed under Brother Stanton's ministry, including Verbal Bean and Bill Garrett. Brother Stanton died in August of 1984, and is best remembered for his outstanding contributions to the Oneness movement, and the "Legacy" that he left behind. Audio Recordings of Elder J.H. Stanton are available in our audio library.