Bishop A.J. Street
Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
1899 ~ 1984
Bishop A.J. Street, son of the late Tom and florence Street, was born in Rama, Tennessee on August 16, 1899. His family later moved to Detroit, Michigan. There he was baptized in Jesus' Name and filled with the Holy Ghost under the ministry of the late Bishop S.N. Hancock.
In 1930, Bishop Street was led of the Lord to go to Little Rock, Arkansas. After many trials, he was able to establish a church there where many souls were saved. He also organized churches in Tennessee and Louisiana. He was married to Annie B. Sanders, formerly of Gary, Indiana, who preceeded him in death.
In 1940 he organized the Church of Jesus Christ in Pine Bluff, Arkansas where he served as pastor for forty-three years. During this time he also served as District Elder in the Arkansas and Louisiana State Councils of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World. In 1971, he was united in marriage to Evangelist Ethel Ivy, of Kansas City, Missouri. She served faithfully by his side until the Lord saw fir to take him home.
Bishop A.J. Street departed this life on June 7, 1984. He left many friends to cherish the his memory and his faithful life and ministry.