Suffragan Bishop Howard Arthur Swancy
Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
Suffragan Bishop Howard Arthur Swancy is the Pastor and Founder of the Peace Apostolic Church Inc. Before beginning the ministry of the church, Pastor Swancy was an Account Executive for CBS, KNXT for seventeen years. While working for CBS the Lord began to deal with his soul and because of this urgency one day he drove to Watts, California where his late wife Cynthia, of thirty five years, grandmother lived and “granny” witnessed to him and told him of a place where he could go and be saved. Well, because of God’s love, His unmerited favor of grace, His mercy and His willingness to forgive, Howard Swancy and Cynthia heard the word of the Lord at the Apostolic Faith Home Assembly, under the late Bishop Frank R. Bowdan, were baptized in Jesus Name and three weeks later they where filled with the precious gift of the Holy Ghost with the initial sign of speaking with other tongues on October 20, 1971. They were known as “Holy Ghost Twins”.
Once Bro. Swancy was saved, he began immediately running for his life in Christ Jesus, attending Aenon Bible College, weekly Sunday School and Bible Classes learning all he could about the great God that saved him. Bro. Swancy received his Bachelor of Religious Education Degree from Aenon Bible College in 1978 which was the first Graduating Class. After time had past Bro. Swancy, wanting to be sure he was hearing from the Lord and having such an earnest and sincere desire to please God, humbly accepted the call to go out into the vineyard and begin his ministry. Prior to beginning his ministry, Bro. Swancy was very faithful with his attendance and supportive financially at his home church, Apostolic Faith Home Assembly. After the demise of Bishop Bowdan, Bro. Swancy worked very closely with his former pastor, the now late Bishop G. Grady Benton. Under Bishop Benton’s leadership, Bro. Swancy worked on the ministerial pulpit staff, was a faithful choir president and member, ministered at the prisons and convalescent homes, worked in the church kitchen assisting auxiliaries and anything else he could find his hands to do in the house of the Lord.
Continually learning and progressing in God’s word, Bro. Swancy was ordained as Elder by the late, Bishop R. W. McMurray. Bishop’s message that evening to the ordaining candidates was “Guard The Doors”. Now it was actually time for Elder Swancy to relinquish his duties at the Home Assembly and set ahead by beginning his ministry as directed by the Lord. On May 10, 1981 (Mother’s Day) the doors of Peace Apostolic Church opened ready to begin the renovation of the harvest of Jesus Christ. From May 10th, 1981 until present the Lord has been adding daily to the Kingdom such and would be saved. Beginning with approximately 10 people Peace has grown to membership of currently over approximately 1100 and still progressing with the help of the Lord. Many, many souls have been saved through the ministry of Peace Apostolic Church Inc.
Pastor Howard Swancy received his Honorary Doctrine of Theology from Aenon Bible College at the National Convention of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc. in 1995 and was elevated to Suffragan Bishop in March 1998.
Pastor Swancy has three beautiful lovely daughters and son-in-laws who are all saved and three precious grand children; Deacon & Sis. Martin and Tamara Prince with little Liya, Minister & Sister Andre and Natalie Lamb, with little Zoe and Minister & Sis. Alec and Monique Chenault with little Sophia Cynthia. After the demise of his soulmate of thirty-five years, the Lord has blessed Pastor Swancy to remarry with someone to help him finish his course, Sis. Patricia Ann Swancy and her two children Dana and DeRon Haskins.
Pastor Swancy’s purpose is for non-other than to preach and teach the unadulterated word of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ holding to the Apostolic teachings as set forth according to the scriptures, reconciling mankind to Jesus Christ our soon coming King!! Never wavering in letting the people to further understand with all CLARITY the message of the hour is “Preparing People For The Glory That Is To Be Revealed”.