Bishop Norman L. Wagner (1942 ~ 2010)
Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
Bishop Norman L. Wagner is a native of Youngstown, Ohio and pastor of Mt. Calvary Pentecostal Church at Youngstown. During his early ministry he served as Youth Leader in his home church (Mt. Calvary) and Assistant Pastor. In 1969, he began traveling extensively as a national evangelist. His highly anointed and dynamic preaching and singing quickly made him one of the most sought after revivalist and speakers.
In 1971, he was called to pastor Mt. Calvary. Under his pastorate the church established Calvary Christian Academy, a nation-wide weekly television program Tel-A-World Ministries, Saints Saving and Trust Credit Union, and Calvary Towers Senior Citizen Complex. Dr. Wagner is known for his exemplary organization and leadership abilities. He has established an Annual Leadership Conference which has been responsible for sharing his leadership insight with many ministers, pastors and wives, evangelists and teachers from all parts of the International Body.
Dr. Wagner also served as President of the IPYPU from 1973 to 1976. His accomplishments were numerous. He attended Youngstown State University and has received Honorary Doctrate Degrees from Aenon Bible College and Bethel Theological Seminary. He has been listed in the "Who's Who" in Religion. He has written several books, pamphlets and articles, and is a frequent guest lecturer at Youngstown State University. He was elected to the office of Assistant General Secretary of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World during the 71st Annual Convention of the P.A.W. He remained in that position until he was elevated to the office of Bishop.
Dr. Wagner is currently the Diocesan Bishop of the 31st Episcopal Council, the European Council of Nations. In 1998 he was elevated to the office of Presiding Bishop of the Pentecostal Asemblies of the World, of which he served two consecutive terms. Dr. Wagner and his lovely wife, Rita, are the parents of two daughters. On January 14, 2010 Bishop Wagner transitioned from his earthly labor to his eternal reward. Audio and Video Recordings of Bishop N.L. Wagner are available in our audio/video lirary.