Bishop Charles William Watkins
Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
1923 ~ 1988
Bishop Charles W. Watkins, Devoted Husband and Father; Diocesan Bishop, Theologian, Perennial Student, Master Teacher; Counselor, Compassionate Undershepherd; Musician Extra-ordinaire; God's Sweet Singer in Israel; Writer, Dreamer, Visionary; and Anointed messenger of God, was born in Hopewell. Virginia on December 23, 1923. He was the eldest of two sons born to the union of Lydia Young amd Joycee (George) Watkins.
While still very young, Charles' family moved rom Hopewell to Newark, new Jersey where he attended the public schools. Young Charles developed an interest in music very early. One evening while on his way to a dance, Charles passed Emmanuel church of Christ, where he heard the Apostolic message of salvation preached by Elder Solomon Sanders. He received that message and was baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost!
Several years later, young Charles was called into the United States Army-Air Force. The army stint, however, was more than military training, it was the means which God used to nurture and develope the musical talents of this gifted musician. During this same period, he met and married "the love of his ligfe," the lovely Jewell Ellen Page, who for pver 44 years has been his friend and confidante; his inspiration and strength! Of this union were born four children. In 1951 Charles accepted his call to the ministry. His first sermon was "In The Year That King Uzziah Died, I Saw The Lord".
Elder watkins was elected President of the National Young People's Union of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World. In 1954, Elder Watkins was invited and elected to Pastorthe members of The Lincoln Park Church of Christ, San Antonio, Texas. A few years later, he was invited and elected to come to Cleveland, Ohio to pastor The Pentecostal Church of Christ.
The many talents and the progressive leadership of this gifted servant of God were not only being realized at the local level, but also at the national and international levels. And so it was that Elder watkins was elevated by the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, first to District Elder, then to National Miniaster of Music, and later in 1973 to the Bishopric where he presided over the 4th Episcopal District comprised of the State of Indiana.
To his credit he held the following earned degrees; The Bachelor of Science (B.S.), The Bachelor of Theology; (B.TH.), The Master of Science (M.S.) and an honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree (D.D.) Bishop Watkins departed this life on Wednesday, October 19, 1988 and is now asleep and resting in the paradise of glory, awaiting the trump of God when the dead in Christ shall rise first to be with the Lord. Audio Recordings of Bishop Charles Watkins are available in our audio library.