Rev. Spenser Leslie Wise
United Pentecostal Church International
1884 ~ 1963
Reverend Spencer Leslie Wise was born July 15, 1884. In the early years of the the 20th century he moved to Texas, where he worked in sawmills, and at one time, helped operate a pool hall. S.L. Wise, as he was known, received the Holy Ghost in 1913 at Remig, Texas, through the ministry of the late Robert L. LaFleur. He was ordained to preach the gospel on January 1, 1915 at 2:00 a.m. in a watch night service, by Brother LaFleur and Brother A. Fuselier. He was a faithful minister of the true gospel for forty-nine years.
He served as pastor at Browndale, Texas until the sawmill closed, and then moved to Lake Helen, Florida. From there he went to Alco, Louisiana, and soon moved again to Eros, Louisiana, where he labored in God's work until 1926. He then went to Ansley, Louisiana. At this time, the Lord led him to establish a church at Hodge, eleven miles south of Ansley. But a suitable place could not be secured, so a tent was pitched in Jonesboro, two miles south of hodge. Revival services were held there for one month, and much good was accomplished.
Overcoming vigorous opposition, Brother Wise finally obtained permission to use a tract of land on the outskirts of Hodge. A tent was erected, and a revival was conducted. Later a small tabernacle was built in Hodge, where the group worshipped for about three years. The greatest revival that Hodge had experienced was held in May and June of 1930, with Brother and Sister Hayes as evangelists. Eighty-three were baptized in Jesus' name, and about sixty-five receied the Holy Ghost. In 1931 a nice church was built on the ground where the tabernacle had stood. The Sunday School grew to be the largest of any of the six churches in Hodge.
During his long ministry, S.L. Wise held many offices. In 1932 he was chosen as a General Presbyter in the Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ, and served as Presbyter of the South Central Council of that group for many years. He was also chairman of the South Central Council Publishing House in 1935. He was instrumental in the merger of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ and the Pentecostal Church, Incorporated in 1945, and was elected District Superintendent of the Louisiana District, United Pentecostal Church, in February, 1946. He faithfully filled this office until ill health forced his retirment in 1953. For the remainder of his life he was an honorary member of the louisiana District Board, and of the General Board.
After his retirement as District Superintendent, he ministered from church to church for six years, teaching Bible lessons as his health would permit. He often said, "I would rather wear out than rust out." During the last four years of his life he was almost completely dependent upon others for physical help, but even in this condition his life was fruitful for the Lord. He spent much of his time in prayer, and many heard him calling the names of inister, missionaries, officials, and the unsaved. He admonished, advised, and counselled with many who visited him. During his confinement he read the bible through seven times, and a half. S.L. Wise went to be with the Lord on February 18, 1963, but the work that he did lives on. Audio Recordings of Reverend S.L. Wise are available in our audio library.