The First Pentecostal Periodical
It was at the Bethel Healing Home in 1899, that Charles Parham printed the first Pentecostal Periodical of its kind. It was called The Apostolic Faith. In the beginning, this paper was published twice every month. Sarah Parham writes, "Each number of the paper was filled with wonderful testimonies to healing, and sermons containing the teachings of the Home".
Charles F. Parham is commonly referred to as, the Father of 20th Century Pentecostalism. When he proclaimed to the world in 1901, that speaking in tongues was the physical evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the Pentecostal truths of the early church were considered to be wonderfully restored. Parham gave his life to retore the revolutionary truths of healing, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit to the Christian church at large.
However historians may view Charles F. Parham, he holds a very significant place in modern church history, and to those within the rank and file of the Apostolic Faith, will always view him as the original projector of the modern movement. The "Pre-Nicene Apostolic Faith Church" became dominated for 1250 years by "Post Apostolic Catholicism." Many people on the European continent did not survive the pressure that came from Rome to compromise their Apostolic faith traditions or suffer great persecution, and thus became absorbed into the dictation of mainstream of Roman Catholic practices. Although the Pre-Nicene Apostolic Faith Church survived the persecutions of the Medivel Inquisitions, it lacked the clear distinction of aggression of its earlier identity beginning at Jerusalem in (30) A.D. That is until the dawning of the 20th century. Parham is credited with giving Christendom (especially those who embraced spiritual gifts) something in which to reconnect to and identify with. There was no place for a Methodist "tongue talker" to remain in the Methodist church. Therefore, all Holy Spirit filled believers had to make a mass exodus from their respective Reformation churches, and join ranks with the newly formed Apostolic Faith Movement. It has been said that the 20th Century Pentecostal revival has proven to be one of the greatest "spiritual awakenings" since the Day of Pentecost.