Debate Catalog > Toddy & MaGee Debate
Toddy & MaGee Debate

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Prod. Code: TMD




Toddy and MaGee Debate

This debate took place between Rev. Gordon McGee (Apostolic) and Rev. W.L. Toddy (Church of Christ). The date was March, 1960. The debate lasted four nights, and is digitized on (8) CD's. Each subject lasted two nights each. You can purchase this debate according to subject, or in it's entirety. The audio is very clear.


Title Date Price Product Code
Jesus Is The Supreme Deity (4 CD's) 3-15 &16-1960 $25.00 MTD01
God Eternally Exists In Three Co-Equal Persons (4 CD's) 3-17 & 18-1960 $25.00 MTD02