Video Catalog (F-J) > Golder, M.E. (Sunday School Lessons)
Golder, M.E. (Sunday School Lessons)

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Price: $20.00
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: MEGSS





Bishop M.E. Golder

~Sunday School Lessons on DVD~

These are very rare recordings. As far as we know these are the only Sunday School lessons captured on video.

Date Title Price Product Code
10-17-82 Israel's Sin of Idolatry $20.00 MEG-V38
7-18-93 Where Are We In Christ $20.00 MEG-V42
1993 He Must Needs Go To Samaria $20.00 MEG-V167
6-9-96 Instructions For Christian Living $20.00 MEG-V39
4-13-97 Letter to the Seven Churches $20.00 MEG-V40
11-2-97 The Temple God Built for Man $20.00 MEG-V41
6-7-98 Sunday School Lesson $20.00 MEG-V43
1999 Take My Yoke Upon You... $20.00 MEG-V166
11-7-99 Sunday School Lesson $20.00 MEG-V44
1-23-00 The Opposite to Jesus $20.00 MEG-V45
2-27-00 Looking at Things that God Has Done $20.00 MEG-V46

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