Video Catalog (K-O) > Mefford, Rev. Dallas Ray
Mefford, Rev. Dallas Ray

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Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: DMV





Rev. Dallas Mefford

DVD Options

Title Location Date Price Product Code
A Clean and Well Lit Place Hollywood, Florida 3-5-00 $15.00 DMV05
Big Pot, The Joplin, Missouri 5-27-83 $15.00 DMV04
Heart Burn Hollywood, Florida 3-9-97 $15.00 DMV01
Peculiar Treasure Hollywood, Florida 3-4-01 $15.00 DMV06
Vicarious Nature of God, The Hollywood, Florida 3-9-97 $15.00 DMV03
Viewing the Law Through the Prism of Calvary Hollywood, Florida 3-8-98 $15.00 DMV02