Welcome to the official timeline of modern Pentecostal history. Created by the Apostolic Archives International Inc. This timeline was created for quick referencing and educational purposes.
1801 Events
1. Cain Ridge, Kentucky, was the place where a great outpouring of God's Spirit was manifested during a large interdenominational camp meeting where Presbyterian, Methodist and Baptist worshipers met. Powerful sermons, singing, shouting and dancing were part of the norm. People fell into trances. Some fell out under the power. Some took the jerks, some the shakes. Some experienced holy laughter, while others spoke in tongues. All in all, the manifestation of the Holy Spirit was evident, and seemed to be a prelude to the coming Pentecostal revival at the turn of the 20th Century.
1830 Events
1. Pastor, Rev. Edward Irving and the Catholic Apostolic Church in Glasgow, Scotland, experienced an unprecedented move of the Holy Spirit, when fifteen year old Margaret McDonald was miraculously healed of a terminal illness, and baptized in the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues.
1870 Events
William Joseph Seymour was born on May 2, in Centerville, Louisiana. He passed away on September 28, 1922 at the age of 52.
1874 Events
Rev. Thomas Henry Prentiss was born.
1880 Events
1. Garfield Thomas Haywood was born in Green Castle, Indiana. (1880 - 1931)
1883 Events
1. Bishop Samuel Nathan Hancock was born in 1883 and died in 1963.
1884 Events
1. Ida Howard Haywood was born. (1884 - 1954)
1887 Events
1. Erastus R. Stone begins construction of his dream home in Topeka, Kansas, an American Palace with Oriental and Medieval European influences. Also known as Stones Folly, where the Holy Ghost fell on January 1, 1901.
2. Bishop Floyd Ingatius Douglas was born. (1887 - 1951)
1889 Events
E.R. Stone runs out of funding for his castle after spending $30.000 on its construction. Today's worth at 7.3 million.
1890's Events
Stone's Folly was purchased by the American Bible Society of Philadelphia for a mere $5,000.
1894 Events
Robert Franklin Tobin was born. (1894 - 1947)
1896 Events
1. On December 31st, Charles Parham and Sarah Thistlethawaite were married.
1898 Events
1. Charles Fox Parham opened Bethel Healing Home at 335 SW Jackson Street in Topeka, Kansas.
2. The first Pentecostal publication ever produced was by Charles F. Parham. He called It "The Apostolic Faith."
1900 Events
1. In September, Charles F. Parham rented "Stones Folly" located at 17th and Stone Street in Topeka, Kansas.
2. Charles Parham began Bethel Bible School on October 15, 1900, at Stones Folly.
3. 40 students enrolled into Bethel Bible School.
4. On New Years Eve, around 80 people gathered in the chapel at Stones Folly for watchnight service.
5. In the closing days of the Fall term of 1900, Parham's students were required to carefully study the subject of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost.
6. On December 31, the 40 students attending Bethel Bible School concluded that speaking in tongues was the biblical evidence of receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
1901 Events
1. On January 1st, a missionary lady named Agnes Ozman of Beatrice, Nebraska, was the first person to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost at Stones Folly. She spoke in tongues (Mandarin, Chinese) for three days. Professors at Washburn University identified the Mandarin dialect.
2. On January 3rd, twelve students including Bro. Parham, received the baptism of the Holy Ghost at Stones Folly, and spoke in tongues.
3. After a time of blessings at Stones Folly the hearts of the students were burdened for other cities. On January 21, Charles Parham took a company of seven, and went to Kansas City, Missouri.
4. Charles Parham held revival meetings at the Academy of Music in Kansas City, Missouri.
5. Charles Parham took twenty students to Leavensworth, Kansas for revival meetings.
6. In June, Stone's Folly is purchased by Harry Croft, and the occupants of Bethel Bible School are evicted. The building becomes home to Speakeasy, a Casino, and a brothel.
7. On December 6, Stones Folly is completely destroyed by fire.
1902 Events
1. Charles Parham visited Kansas City, MO., with a band of workers, and held street meetings. They were met with great opposition.
2. Charles Parham moved to Kansas City, Missouri, and held meetings at 16th and Main Street.
3. Charles Parham opened a Bible School in Kansas City, for about four months, located at 11th and Oak Streets
4. While in Kansas City, Missouri, Charles Parham wrote the first book ever published by any Full Gospel person, entitled, "A Voice Crying In The Wilderness."
5. Parham visited Nevada, Missouri, and held a meeting with moderate results.
6. God directed Charles Parham to Acts 2:38 where he received a revelation on water baptism by single immersion in the name of Jesus Christ.
7. G.T. Haywood married Ida Howard of Owensville, Kentucky.
8. Fannie Haywood was born, (1902 - 1982)
1903 Events
1. Charles Parham traveled to El Dorado Springs, Missouri, where he held meetings in Springs Park. It was here that he met and healed Mary Arthur, a resident of Galena, Kansas.
2. In the Fall of this year Parham went to Galena, Kansas, and conducted a very successful revival.
3. Howard Goss was converted to the Apostolic Faith in Galena, Kansas, and was baptized in Jesus' Name by Charles Parham.
1904 Events
1. Charles Parham traveled to Joplin, Missouri, and held revival meetings that lasted throughout the Fall and Winter.
2. Rosanna Trapp was the first person in Joplin, MO., to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues.
3. Charles Parham suffered a complete physical breakdown while conducting the Joplin revival and almost died.
1905 Events
1. Parham conducted his first revival campaign in Baxter Springs, Kansas.
2. In the spring, Parham made his first missionary trip to Texas. Arriving at Orchard, he went to the home of H.H. Aylor.
3. On Easter Sunday, 1905, the first meeting, the birth of the Movement (in Texas) was opened at Orchard, Texas.
4. Next, a committee made a trip to Houston, and secured the best hall in the city at that time, (Bryan Hall). The meetings oened there in early August, 1905.
5. After a brief trip back to Baxter Springs, Kansas, Charles Parham returned to Orchard, Texas, in October, accompanied by a band of eighteen consecrated workers. After a one-night meeting, the band moved into Houston, Texas.
6. Parham met Lucy Farrow in Houston, Texas. She became a governess and helped with the Parham children while Charles and Sarah Parham conducted revival meetings.
7. In December, Charles Parham rented a large residence completely furnished on 503 Rusk Street in Houston, to serve as his home and the Headquarters for the Apostolic Faith Movement.
8. In the latter part of December, a Bible School was opened in the residence located at 503 Rusk St.
9. The Apostolic Faith Church in Alvin, Texas, was established by Charles Parham.
1906 Events
1. Parham made his second trip to Texas, where he held revival meetings in Brunner, Katy, Alvin, and Galveston.
2. He took with him Howard A. Goss, from Galena, Kansas.
3. Lucy Farrow introduced Parham to William J. Seymour.
4. Seymour attended Parhams Bible School.
5. Terry Neely from Los Angeles invited Seymour to come and preach at the holiness church where she attended, pastored by Julia Hutchinson.
6. Seymour traveled by train to Los Angeles.
7. Howard Goss received the baptism of the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues while riding on a train with other Apostolic faith workers to Alvin, Texas.
8. Seymour preached his first sermon in Los Angeles, from Acts 2:4. The next day, pastor, Julia Hutchinson locked him out of the church.
9. Richard and Ruth Asberry, (members of Julia Hutchinson's church) invited Seymour to stay with them at 214 Bonnie Brae Street.
10. Seymour began holding cottage prayer meetings, and Bible studies in the Asberry's home at 214 Bonnie Brae St.
11. On Easter Sunday, the prayer group began holding meetings in the abandoned, Stevens A.M.E Church located on 312 Azusa Street.
12. Parham visited the Azusa Street revival. His disdain toward, what he called "fanaticism" led to a separation between himself and William Seymour as he tried to stop the chin-shaking, trances, etc., that was common place at the Apostolic Faith Mission.
13. Parham was locked out of the Azusa Street mission by the William Seymour.
14. On January, 12th Charles Parham rented the W.C.T.U. building on Broadway and Temple Streets, in Los Angeles, and opened a great revival of his own
15. Charles Parham visited Zion City, Illinois, where Dr. John Alexander Dowie operated the Catholic Apostolic Christian Church in Zion Tabernacle.
16. After many people began receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost, one of Dowie's leaders by the name of Wilbur Voliva, attacked Parham's character using large signs throughout the town in an attempt to make him leave Zion City.
17. From the confines of the old Azusa Street Mission, the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World was established.
18. Brunner Tabernacle where Charles Parham held meetings was located on Patterson Ave in Houston.
19. On April 9th, Edward Lee became the first person in Los Angeles to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost and speak with tongues, when he asked Lucy Farrow to lay hands on him.
20. On April 12, William Seymour received the baptism of the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues.
21. Lucy Farrow arrived in Los Angeles the first week in April.
22. In the early Spring, Charles Parham collected money, and paid the train fare for William Seymour to go to Los Angeles.
23. William J. Seymour and Jeannie Evans were married in Los Angeles, CA.
1907 Events
1. In Keelville, Kansas, Charles Parham dedicated the first, Pentecostal church ever built in America.
2. Wilbur Voliva of Zion City, accused Charles Parham of sexual misconduct.
3. Henry Printess and Ernest Lloyd traveled from the Azusa Revival to Indianapolis, Indiana, and began holding Cottage prayer meetings. This eventually led to the formation of Christ Temple.
4. Glenn A. Cook also from the Azusa Street revival, went to Indianapolis, Indiana, and attended the Missionary Alliance church, where he gave his testimony of the outpouring of the Holy Ghost in Los Angeles.
5. Tom Hezmallauch also from the Azusa Street revival traveled to Indianapolis, Indiana, where he held revival meetings in hopes of spreading the Pentecostal message.
6. Florence Crawford split from William Seymour and the Azusa Revival, and moved to Portland, Oregon, where she established her own Apostolic Faith organization. Florence took with her the mailing list for the Apostolic Faith Paper that was produced from 312 Azusa Street.
7. John Alexander Dowie the establishmentarian of Zion City, Illinois, died.
8. After the death of John A. Dowie, Charles Parham held revival services at Zion Tabernacle.
9. Charles F. Parham was arrested due to the misconduct charges brought by Wilbur Voliva.
10. Charles Parham resigned as the Projector of the Apostolic Faith Movement.
1908 Events.
1. Garfield Thomas Haywood was invited by his close friend Oddous Barbour to attend a Pentecostal service located in what was then known as "The Tin Shop" pastored by Henry Prentiss in Indianapolis, Indiana.
2. G.T. Haywood, along with his with, Ida, and his sister, Gertrude, visited the Pentecostal meeting at the Tin Shop. After hearing Henry Prentiss preach, Haywood went forward, and received the Holy Ghost, and spoke in tongues.
3. When Charles Parham took the Full Gospel to Tulsa, Oklahoma, the C.O. Frye family were the only people who believed in the Apostolic Faith.
4. G.T. Haywood felt the call to preach the gospel.
1909 Events
1. G.T. Haywood became pastor of the Apostolic Faith Assembly (aka) Christ Temple in Indianapolis, Indiana.
2. Charles Parham permanently settled in Baxter Springs, Kansas, in March, where he rented the old Zellikan Brewery, and used it for his home, and the headquarters for the Apostolic Faith Movement.
1910 Events
1. William Durham introduced the controversial "Finished Work" doctrine to the Pentecostal movement.
2. Robert C. Lawson was healed of tuberculosis.
3. Daniel C.O. Opperman held a short-term Bible School in the city of Joplin, Missouri.
4. Bro. David Lee Floyd came in contact with Pentecost.
1911 Events
1. Garfield Thomas (GT) Haywood joined the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World.
2. God spoke to Bro. David Lee Floyd to open "Bethany Orphanage" in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. God said: I will make you a father to the fatherless, and a judge over the widow.
3. Andrew Bar-David (A.D) Urshan was baptized in Jesus' Name.
1913 Events
1. R.J. Scott visited a Maria Woodworth-Etter revival at F.F. Bosworth's mission in Dallas, Texas. He invites Woodworth-Etter to Los Angeles to preach the first world-wide Pentecostal campmeeting in Arroyo Seco, in order to help unify the movement.
2. R.J. Scott chose the Canadian minister Robert McAlister to preach a baptismal service at the Arroyo Seco campmeeting. McAlister emphasized that the apostles never used the Matthew 28:19 formula when baptizing, but rather used the words, in the Name of Jesus' as found in Acts 2:38.
3. Bro. Frank Denny a missionary from China, mounted the platform and warned McAlister not to teach this way, least the camp be associated with Dr. Joshua Sykes' teachings.
4. McAlisters words fired the shot that rang out around the world, and caused a spiritual awakening in many of the Pentecostal ministers that were committed to a deeper knowledge of truth.
5. After reading his Bible all night searching for a revelation of the name of Jesus, John Scheppe ran down Hallelujah Avenue at the Arroyo Seco Campmeeting proclaiming his revelation on baptism in Jesus' Name.
1914 Events
1. Howard Goss and E.N. Bell helped to steer the formation of the Assemblies of God in Hot Springs, Arkansas.
2. On April 15, 1914, Frank J. Ewart preached his first public sermon on Acts 2:38. On this same date, Glenn A. Cook and Frank Ewart baptized each other in the name of Jesus Christ, marking the beginning of modern, Oneness Pentecostalism.
3. Robert C. Lawson was saved under the ministry of Elder G.T. Haywood.
4. On February 6, 1914, Charles Parham started a ten day convention in Webb City, Missouri in the Aylor Hall.
1915 Events
1. J. Roswall Flower sent a letter to G. T. Haywood in Indianapolis, Indiana, warning him that Glenn Cook was coming the devisive doctrine of baptism in Jesus' Name..
2. Glenn A. Cook baptized G.T. Haywood in Fall Creek, in the Name of Jesus.
3. G.T. Haywood and Glenn A. Cook baptized 465 members of Haywood's church in Jesus' Name.
4. While Bro. E.N. Bell was the General Superintendant of the Assemblies of God, God spoke to him about being baptized in the Name of Jesus. The conviction was so irrestible that he called for Evangelist L.V. Roberts, a Oneness believer to baptize him.
5. On July 19th, Bro. Edward W. Doak passed away at the age of 71. He lived in Monrovia, California.
6. While riding a street-car, God spoke to G.T. Haywood, saying, "Walk in the light while you have it, lest ye walk in darkness. For he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whether he goeth". Haywood said, "Lord, I'll never be left in the dark". He de-boarded the street-car, and promptly had Bro. Glenn A. Cook re-baptize him in Jesus' Name.
1916 Events
1. At the second annual conference of the Assemblies of God, the general council rejected the Oneness position, by adopting a resolution to become a trinitarian fellowship.
2. 156 ministers left the Assemblies of God over its rejection of the Oneness of God.
3. In January, Bro. David Lee Floyd started publishing the "Blessed Truth" periodical in Kinder, LA. He had the paper until October, 1917, when Howard Hoss encouraged Floyd to turn it over to Bro. D.C.O. Opperman in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.
4. After resigning from the Assemblies of God in 1916. Bro. David L. Floyd joined ranks with the (P.M.A.) Pentecostal Ministerial Alliance.
1917 Events
1. The Oneness ministers that left the Assemblies of God, formed the General Assembly of the Apostolic Assemblies.
2. In October, D.C.O. Opperman took over as publisher of the "Blessed Truth" paper, in hopes of saving his fledging Bible School in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.
1918 Events
1. After only one year of existence, the General Assembly of the Apostolic Assemblies was dissolved.
2. In March, Bro. Opperman asked David Lee Floyd to move to Eureka Springs, Arkansas, and become the Associate Editor of the "Blessed Truth". Opperman said the paper was failing fast.
1919 Events
1. Ministers from the defunct, General Assembly of the Apostolic Assemblies, joined ranks with the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (Oneness).
2. The Pentecostal Assemblies of the World reorganized and moved their headquarters from Portland, Oregon, to Indianapolis, Indiana.
3. Elder R.C. Lawson resigned from the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, over issues he felt Elder G.T. Haywood was not strong enough on. Namely, Women preachers and Marriage and Divorce.
4. Bishop R.C. Lawson formed the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ in New York.
5. Bishop Charles Mason invited Bishop R.C. Lawson to preach the Church of God In Christ National Convention. His subject was, "Jehovah of the Old was Jesus of the New". When Lawson finished preaching, there were 400 people ready to be baptized in Jesus' Name. Bishop Mason himself was also baptized in Jesus' Name. ~Bishop M.E. Golder~
6. Murray E. Burr was born. (1919 - 2005)
1925 Events
1. During the National Convention of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World in Chicago, IL, the majority of the white ministers resigned from the organization over the frustration created by from the Jim Crow laws in the Southern States that kept blacks and whites from attending the conventions together.
2. After the departure of the white ministers during this convention, the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World reorganized adopting the Episcopal form of government.
3. G.T. Haywood was elected the first presiding bishop of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World.
4. After the white ministers left the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, three Oneness organizations were formed within one year.
5. (1) The Pentecostal Ministerial Alliance was founded in February.
6. (2) Emmanuel's Church in Jesus Christ was founded in October.
7. (3) The Apostolic Churches of Jesus Christ was founded in February.
1929 Events
1. Charles Fox Parham died on January 29, 1929, in Baxter Springs, Kansas.
1930 Events
1. The Pentecostal Assemblies of the World kept the presiding bishop's position open for one year after Bishop Haywood's death.
2. The Apostolic Assemblies of the Faith in Jesus Christ (Hispanic) incorporated in the State of California.
3. While M.E. Golder was dancing at Walker Ballroom in Indianapolis, IN., with a girl named Idabelle in his arms, he heard a voice saying," Run for your life".
4. On January 20th, M.E. Golder was saved, baptized in Jesus' Name, and received the Holy Ghost.
5. Sarah E. Parham published the biography of her late husband, Charles F. Parham. The book was printed by Tri-State Printing in Joplin, MO.
1931 Events
1. Bishop G.T. Haywood passed away on April 14, due to heart failure.
2. The office of Presiding Bishop for the PAW was left vacant for one year after the death of Haywood.
3. The Pentecostal Assemblies of the World and the Apostolic Churches of Jesus Christ merged in November to form the Pentecoatal Assemblies of Jesus Christ.
4. Bishop Samuel Grimes and Bishop A.William Lewis kept the charter of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World open in case the merger failed.
1932 Events
1. As some expected, the merger between the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World and the Apostolic Churches of Jesus Christ failed, and the black ministers returned to the PAW.
2. Bishop Samuel Grimes was elected Presiding Bishop of the PAW, a position he held for 32 consecutive years.
1945 Events
1. The Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ and the Pentecostal Churches Incorporated merged to form the United Pentecostal Church.
1946 Events
1. A group of brethren dissatisfied with the United Pentecostal Church, revived the Original charter of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ.
1952 Events
In March of 1952, three groups known as, the Assemblies of the Church of Jesus Christ, Jesus Only Apostolic Church of God, and the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, formulated a merger adopting the name, Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ.
1953 Events
1. Elder Morris E. Golder resigned as Pastor of Christ Temple in Indianapolis, Indiana. He also resigned as Editor of the Christian Outlook the official paper of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World.
2. Elder Morris E. Golder left the PAW memberhip.
1954 Events
1. Sister Ida Haywood Hancock passed away.
1957 Events
1. After a four year absence, Elder Morris E. Golder was restored to full fellowship by the PAW.
2. Bishop Samuel Hancock became disenchanted with the PAW and resigned from the organization.
3. The Pentecostal Churches of the Apostolic faith was formed by Bishop S.N. Hancock in Detroit, MI.
4. The Bible Way Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ was formed by Bishop Smallwood E. William in Washington, D.C.
1964 Events
1. On July 13th, Howard Goss died in Windsor Ontario, Canada.
1967 Events
1. On October 18, 1967 Rev. A.T. Morgan died at the age of 66, while presiding over a UPC Board Meeting in Tulsa, OK.
1968 Events
1. In August, the Apostolic Ministers Fellowship was formed by a group of approximately 70 ministers as an off-shoot from the United Pentecostal Church. Issues were centered around Sovereignty of the local church.
1970 Events
1. Bishop W.G. Rowe, founded the Apostolic World Christian Fellowship.
2. Bishop George M. Boone a former member of the P.C.A.F. founded the Apostolic Assemblies of Christ with headquarters in Detroit, MI.
1971 Events
1. Bro. Clyde Haney passed away.
1981 Events
1. On October 5th, Elder Bill O'dell Bowman was shot and killed while preaching a tent revival in Topsy, Louisiana.
1999 Events
1. Sister Ruth Baxter passed away on February 12th.
2008 Events
1. The Worldwide Pentecostal Fellowship was formed as an off-shoot from the United Pentecostal Church International.
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